(Kiev / Geneva Composite Electric) In order to resist Russia's invasion, neighbors in the United States and Ukraine provide weapons and equipment to Ukraine and strengthen defense capabilities.The U.S. Embassy in Kiev revealed that the military aid provided by the United States has arrived in Ukraine on Friday night, including nearly 200,000 pounds of "fatal" weapons.

The U.S. Russian talks have not progressed to the two sides agreed to continue dialogue

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania on the Baltic Sea also stated on FridaySelf -defense.The Three Kingdoms issued a joint statement saying: "Due to the increasing military pressure applied by Russia in Ukraine, the Baltic countries have decided to respond to Ukraine's requirements and provide additional defense help.", Germany will provide a field hospital for Ukraine next month.But she showed that Germany would not supply weapons."Providing weapons will not help at this time."

There is no progress in US -Russian diplomatic talks.U.S. Secretary of State Brills and Russian Foreign Minister Ravorv did not make a major breakthrough at the meeting in Geneva, Switzerland on Friday, but the two sides agreed to continue dialogue to resolve the Ukrainian crisis.

The Bringson will warn again that if Russia dares to invade, it will face a "fast and severe" response.He emphasized that diplomatic channels are still the best way to resolve crises.Lavrov said that Moscow asked the United States to give security guarantees and still wait for each other's response.

NATO rejected Russia's request to withdraw troops from Bulgaria and Romania from Eastern European member states in Eastern Europe.NATO spokesman Langjes ancient said that NATO's adherence to the mutual defense and protection of member states will also respond to any damage to NATO's security environment. NATO will continue to evaluate whether Eastern member states need to strengthen protection.

Ukrainian President Zelezki pointed out in an interview with the Washington Post that once Russia attacked Ukraine, the Russian army may try to occupy Kharkiv, a major industrial town.Halkov is the second largest city in Ukraine with a population of about 1.4 million. Most residents speak Russian.

Zeleziski refers to the areas of the Russian army aiming at the regions that have relatives with Russians, "Halkov, controlled by the Ukrainian government may be occupied. Russia needs an excuse: they will declare that they must protect themRussian population areas. "

Zelei also said: "This will not be just occupied, it will be the beginning of a large -scale war."

Ukraine has accused Russia of recently accusing Russia in recent days.And key infrastructure, including schools and airports to launch a "scam" threat offensive and create panic.

Ukraine Security Bureau said that there have been more than 300 anonymous calls and Internet messages spreading rumors this year.Officials say that the purpose of Russia is to cause tension and anxiety in Ukrainian society.

On the other hand, Bloomberg quoted sources that US officials are talking to Qatar that if Russia invades Ukraine, it leads to a shortage of natural gas, and Catal will supply liquefied natural gas to Europe.

Qatar is one of the world's largest liquefied natural gas producers. It currently provides natural gas provided by continental Europe, accounting for only about 5 % of the total number of natural gas in Europe.More than 40 % of the natural gas in Europe comes from Russia, one -third of which has to pass Ukraine.Some European countries are worried that severe sanctions on Russia may damage their economy and make Russian President Putin cut off natural gas supply in winter.