Zhang Junruo, deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Council of China, believes that with the improvement of China's development level and the changes in development, China's traditional model of participating in the international cycle is increasing.

He said at the fifth annual meeting of the "National Development Forum" hosted by the National Development Research Institute of Peking University on December 20, 2020 that with the process of reform and opening up, China has gradually formed participation since the 1980s in the 1980s.Basic model of international cycle.This model has two basic features.

From the perspective of the supply side, it is continuously to improve its own technical level through the introduction, digesting and absorption of advanced foreign technologies. Based on the acquisition of foreign technology, equipment, and products, it has established our country's industrial system, but overallLooking at, key technologies, key equipment, key components and raw materials still rely on imports.

Second, from the perspective of demand, with the advantages of excellent factors and unique institutional environmental advantages, Chinese enterprises have continuously improved the quality of product quality while continuously reducing the cost of products. Therefore, it has become Chinese products.The synonym, the export competitiveness of Chinese products has continued to improve, and its share in the world market has also expanded.

Zhang Junpian said that from a historical perspective, the above -mentioned model participating in the international cycle adapts to the domestic and international conditions and environment at that time, which is very effective.It has played a huge role in promoting the rapid development and progress of the Chinese economy.

However, when China's technical level and product quality and quality have improved significantly, especially when some aspects are still relatively leading positions, many products begin to form a competitive relationship with developed countries, contradictions and frictions will follow with them.Come here.

From the perspective of demand, China's efforts to expand exports will also face increasing pressure.Zhang Junruo pointed out that the increase in export share is inevitable that with the adjustment and change of the international competition pattern, with the competitiveness of some industries and enterprises among the country, and even some industries and some companies will shrink in competition, and even the market will even be in the market.disuse.

He bluntly said: "This situation has not obvious in the early stages of development in my country, because at that time, our development level was relatively low and the economic volume was relatively small, but when my country reached the second largest economic volume, and still When the relatively fast speed continues to grow, our pressure will become more and more, and contradictions and conflicts will become more and more. "

Therefore, Zhang Junruo believes that the traditional Chinese tradition, once effective and made great contributions to participate in the international cycle, will face more and more challenges and increasing pressure.Regardless of how the external environment changes, this challenge and pressure may appear late or early, but not shifted by people's will.

He commented: "Now most experts only look at the necessity and importance of turning towards the new pattern from the outside environment, especially from the perspective of relations with the United States. I think it is very important, but it is not very comprehensive, nor is it notVery deep. "

From the perspective of Zhang Junpian, the improvement of China's development level and the development stage of development not only brings pressure and challenges, but also formed new development advantages and potential from both demand and supply, thereby overcome challenges.Maintaining sustainable economic development has created favorable conditions.

Zhang Junlian believes that from the perspective of demand, in addition to the large -scale market advantages, huge middle -income groups and huge consumer demand potential, China also has huge investment potential and large -scale market advantages.focus on.

In terms of investment potential, Zhang Junruo believes that from the perspective of the current development situation in China, China is full of huge investment demand potential in meeting the people's material and cultural needs of the people, improving people's livelihood, consolidating the foundation of development, and enhancing development.Innovate institutional mechanisms, broaden capital channels, and promote the release of potential.

On the other hand, China's oversized market advantages form a unique and large -scale advantage.Zhang Junruo said: "For example, in the common role of the huge population scale, the level of middle income development, and the information and communication industry is relatively developed. Under the common role of these three factors, mobile phone users in my country, even if they only have strong consumption capacity High -quality users will also be much larger than all the population in the world in the world. This is not only a problem of a total sales scale. This situation is a one of many emerging industries based on mobile terminals. Very big development advantage. "

Judging from the supply side, Zhang Junruo said that China has many unique element supply and combination advantages. The labor resources not only have a huge number, but also diverse types.Those, and are more cost -effective.This is conducive to the formation of a relatively complete industrial system, and a competitive advantage is formed at different industrial levels.

Zhang Jun expansion emphasized that with the increase in China's development level and the increase in economic aggregate.On the one hand, the traditional model that has been very effective and made great contributions will face more and more challenges and more and more stress.On the other hand, the changes in the development stage have also formed China's huge and unique internal development advantages and potential, providing favorable conditions for the response to challenges, and also need to increase their efforts to give full play to their potential.