(Washington Reuters) U.S. think tanks say that excavators have appeared in the Cambodian Yunyang Naval Base with important strategic significance.The base is built by China, including the construction of deep -water port facilities, so that larger warships can be parked.

China's military expansion and sovereignty in the South China Sea disturb the United States. The United States reiterated that "serious concerns" the construction and military existence of China at the Yunyang Naval Base.The American State Department spokesman said: "These development pose a threat to the interests of the United States and its partners, regional security, and Cambodia's sovereignty."(AMTI) A report released on Friday stating that the photos released by the Cambodian government this month and the images taken by commercial satellites all showed that excavators appeared in the Yunyang base.The report reads: "To stop the large warships at the Yunyang base, it must dredge the construction of deep -water port facilities, and this belongs to some of the secret agreements reached by China and Cambodia."Annual citing "knowledge" US officials stated that China and Cambodia reached a "secret agreement", and China used funding to rebuild the Yunlang base facilities in exchange for the exclusive use right of the base.

In June last year, the Cambodian Minister of Defense Di Ban said that China will assist in the expansion of the Yunyang base and modernize it, but he clarifies that China will not be the only country that has been allowed to use the base.

AMTI pointed out that the Yunyang base image taken by the commercial satellite on January 16 shows that two excavators and two barreled ships are cleaned up and dug out of the sea sand;The machine arrived at the base between January 13 and 15.After Di Ban visited the Yunyang base on January 18, these two excavators also appeared in a photo of the Facebook webpage.

AMTI said that the development of the dredging project means "the function of the Yunyang base may be significantly improved", "the water level around the base is shallow, and the small patrol ship can only be stopped.The navy of Cambodia and China will be more useful. "

Pay attention to the U.S. -expected use of the base

AMTI.The project has been expanded to the shore. Since the fall of 2021, many land in the southwest of the base has been cleaned up.This progress and the promotion of dredging projects show that "the base is preparing to launch a significant infrastructure improvement."

A spokesman for the US State Department said that the United States calls on Cambodia to "maintain the purpose, nature, scale of the Yunyang base project, and the role of the Chinese military in engineering, and keep it completely transparent."The expected use of the base shows attention.