(Sydney News) The British Foreign Minister Tras likes China and Russia as the "invaders" of "collaborative cooperation" and warn China to launch an invasion operation in the Indo -Pacific District while Russia invaded Ukraine.

Turis said during the visit to Australia and was interviewed by the Sydney Pioneer Morning Post and Times News that the above possibility could not be ruled out."The cooperation between Russia and China is unprecedentedly close. The invaders are coordinated in cooperation. I think our countries are responsible for fighting against it."

British Prime Minister Johnson was forced to be inside and outside the party for party scandal.Tellas is a popular candidate for the Prime Minister.

Russia gathered 100,000 troops at the border border with Ukraine and was accused of invading Ukraine.At the same time, the Chinese military has significantly increased its military aircraft to enter the Taiwan Air Defense identification zone in recent months.US Defense Minister Austin said last month that China's actions seemed to be "rehearsal" to attack Taiwan.

Tellas pointed out in the above interview that Britain pays attention to the malicious actions of the Chinese government because "China's influence is global."She said that Beijing is using economic coercion to deal with Lithuania and Australia, and at the same time trying to expand its power to all over the world.

She said that the United Kingdom and Australia faced "international challenges composed of multiple invaders ... We see the dictatorship from all over the world as an alliance."

Blanders, US foreign policy analyst, recently wrote that the biggest danger is that "the United States may have to fight with China and Russia at the same time."Definitely a nightmare. "