Li Yuexia sort out

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As of Thursday, the world's average daily diagnosis of coronary diseases has jumped to a new high of 3.1 million, more than 11 % over the previous week.The increase in death cases slowed for two consecutive weeks.The surge in cases is mainly in Asia, an increase of 57 %.Latin America -Caribbean and the Middle East also 36 % and 32 %, respectively.

Nepal's cases have the largest number of cases, reaching 330 %, and then Kosovo (increase 281 %), Kazakhstan (increase 271 %), Iraq (increase 256 %), and Japan (increase 252 %).

However, the statistics of Agence France -Presse show that in the area where the Omiko strains have been found early, the confirmed cases have now declined.Africa has decreased by 10 %.In terms of individual countries, Ireland's new cases decreased the most significantly, less than 56%, and then Namibia (51%), Cyprus (35%), the United Kingdom (32%) and Greece (32%).

New cases in the United States and Canada have also decreased by 6 %.Although the new cases of new European cases have been 9 %, the increase has slowed compared to the previous weeks.The new cases of the Oceania have less than one third.

In the United States, new cases of the first area where the Omikon epidemic was reduced, but experts warned that the situation was not to relax the vigilance.

The Director of the American Centers for Disease Control, Valenceki said at a briefing on Friday that the new cases of new cases including New York, Rhoder -Island and Connecticut have declined significantly, and the average seven days nationwideThere are about 750,000 examples, 5 % less than the previous week.The number of hospitalizations remains stable, but it is still close to the highest level after the outbreak.

However, Valenzky emphasized that the surge in cases in different regions began at different time points.As a result, she warned that cities and states could not rush to relax epitime prevention measures such as mandatory masks.

Fuki: The worst case may still occur

Director of the Institute of National Allergies and Infectious Diseases, Fuqi said at the meeting that a person is again againThe probability of infection of Omikon is very low, and at least it is unlikely in the short term.

He said that the case again was usually infected with different variants twice.If the recovered person has produced a good immune response, it is unlikely to infect the same variant again within at least a few months.

But the worst emphasis may still occur, that is, a new variant occurs, so that the immunity and vaccine effect after infection will fail, and the United States must prepare for this.

The U.S. government has opened a website this week for people to ask for crown disease testing agents.The White House Crown disease response group said that the delivery service has completed the "millions" order after the start of the delivery service.

Omikon also determined that it has become the main virus strain in the EU and the European Economic Zone.

The European Disease Control and Control Center, located in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, announced the day before yesterday: "Omikon has become the main virus strain in most countries in the EU/European Economic Zone ... the spread rate reaches 78 %."/P>

The European Economic Zone includes Iceland, Liecotinson and Norway.Agence France -Presse's statistics show that the crown disease in Europe is still heating up, with more than 9 % of new cases in the past week.

The World Health Organization predicted last week that in March, half of the European region may be infected with Omikon.