Ruzhu Hui Tokyo Special officer

[email protected]

The Japanese Sugawa Government released a new framework for Japanese missile defense yesterday. In addition to building two Zengson battleships, it is also necessary to extend the range of the land -based anti -ship missiles of the Land Self -Defense Force.The Japanese Defense Minister bluntly said that the development of new weapons is to protect the Southwest islands such as Okinawa.

The Japanese Cabinet Conference passed the missile defense related documents yesterday. Japan decided to assemble the Aegis warship by themselves to replace the original case of the purchase of the US "Land -in -Aegis System".

At the same time, the authorities also disclosed a R & D plan yesterday to improve the deterrent of the "type 12 land against ship defensive missiles" with the "12 -type land against ship defense missiles" of the Land Self -Defense Force.Its range will grow from the current 100 kilometers to 900 kilometers, which will be developed for 5 years from the next year.

Japan believes that the off -area missiles are indispensable for ensuring the safety of self -defense officers and effectively preventing the ships that try to attack Japan.Put.

The Japanese Defense Minister Anxinfu further explained the purpose of the development of this missile at a press conference yesterday. "The threat of North Korean missiles to Japan has been improving, which has prompted us to double consolidate missile defense measures. In addition, this defense missile is maintaining South WestThe safety of the island is an indispensable equipment. "

The "Okinawa South West Island" referred to the "first island chain" referred to as the "Okinawa South West Island". This island chain is a strategic chain that has been extended to the Philippines via Okinawa and Taiwan.

However, some people point out that the development of this missile may resist the principle of "special defense" in the Japanese Constitution.In order to protect the safety of the people, we must continue to improve the deterrence. "

Around the ability to attack the enemy base, the former Prime Minister Shinzo Shinzo issued a conversation on September 11 before his resignation of resignation, asking for a policy before the end of the year.However, the reservation of the documents issued by the Tan Yiwei government yesterday only showed that "continuing to discuss the deterrent power" shows that there is still controversy in Japan.