CCTV host Zhu Jun's sex harassment female intern Xianzi's case has not been sentenced after the trial on December 2, People have voiced on Weibo , so that the confusing cases have attracted attention.Some analysts believe that from the statement of the two, it can be seen that the direction of the case may be unfavorable to the string.

Zhu Jun, who has always been silent, spoke for the first time on the sexual harassment case on Tuesday (22nd) in the early morning of the morning. He insisted that he was innocent and criticized the practice of imposing his crimes without evidence.

Weibo user "a bit of ideal reporter" also posted a Weibo article the day before yesterday, telling some of Zhu Jun's response to the case. Zhu Jun forwarded the article today.His statement has the following points:

1. Do not know the string before being accused of sexual harassment and the day.On the day of the incident, several students came in to dress up, and they "chatted casually", and many people in the middle went in and out.

2. Denate the hand of helping Xianzi, and deny that she had any physical contact with her.

3. It may be said that Xianzi "looks like my wife", but claims that if there is any jokes to ease the atmosphere.

4. The dressing room is not locked, nor does it happen to be unpleasant with the strings.

5. The case has not been responded because there are "disciplinary requirements".

China CCTV host Zhu Jun insisted that he was innocent.(internet)

"One of the ideal reporters" and the other Weibo named "Put the Sword and Exploring the Flower in Northern Myanmar" also compiled some evidence and progress of the case, but did not explain the source of the information.The main points are:

1. The fingerprints extracted on the string hair and clothes are not Zhu Jun.

2. String clothing for inspection, no fingerprint and the second person's DNA.

3. The dressing room is a public occasion that cannot be closed.

4. During the 45 minutes of the strings and Zhu Jun in the dressing room, some people kept entering and leaving to find Zhu Jun to discuss the content of the show.

5. Xianzi rap singer Yan Wei's entering was "escaped" after entering, but there was no Yan Weiwen's program at all that day, and he had never been there.

6. The violation of the accused is intermittent, and the strings did not escape when they were disconnected.

7. The three judges avoided the three judges at the same time while applying for a trial in court.

String a response on Weibo on the same day on the same day, mainly the following points:

1. There are no dozens of people in and out of the dressing room.Only four were Zhu Jun's assistant, produce and two audiences.

2. Zhu Jun was accused of implementing infringement. Why did not escape after being interrupted?Based on the relationship between them (present) and Zhu Jun, they are afraid that they will cover Zhu Jun, and they will be laughed at publicly.

3. Why did the audience not escape when they asked for signature?Too panic, Zhu Jun's signature communication with the audience was too short.

4. Why did the singer Yu Junjian misalignment as Yan Weiwen?Because the time is too long, I can't remember.

5. String itself also confirms that there is indeed no fingerprint and Zhu Jun DNA evidence, but it is said that this is a test problem, so it is required to be re -test.

Six people make up at the same time.(internet)

It can be seen that the case is still confusing, and Zhu Jun and Xianzi have their own words.Originally, everyone was sentenced to the court, but Zhu Jun's sudden voice caused another problem.In 2018, the sexual harassment of public opinion storms. How did Zhu Jun silent for so long, but now they speak?

Zhu Jun's response is that after the fermentation of the Internet public opinion, he was caught in the vortex. "I used to want to respond, but there was disciplined requirements, and I must follow it unconditionally." He also said that he has never voiced because he has never believed in Qing.The person is clear and believes in the law.

Zhu Jun spoke after a long silence, maybe there are some other explanations:

First, Zhu Jun's sexual harassment case set off a stir in 2018 and the entire network in China. Zhu Jun's reputation and performing arts have plummeted. He has not hosted any shows, including CCTV Spring Festival Gala, which has hosted many times.Some entertainment critics pointed out that in the past two years, Zhu Jun has always been avoided by the case, and the strings frequently publicly shouted. This is definitely not a favorable thing for Zhu Jun.Back to the peak of the past, I am afraid it is not easy, so I took the initiative to explain my previous silence as the "discipline" request, and its "anti -criminal theory" also won the support and sympathy of some people.

Second, the case of sexual harassment in the world is difficult to prove whether there is a thing. Often, the two parties have their own words.Some of the reviews after the trial of Zhu Jun's sexual harassment on December 2 also believe that the woman may not be able to propose strong evidence and witnesses. Xianzi once asked Zhu Jun to appear in court, but Zhu Jun did not appear. According to the Chinese Civil Procedure Law, this is indeed him.Rights, the prosecutor must be responsible for proof, and proposes actual evidence to require the parties to perform the certificate.In other words, the situation may be quite unfavorable to the string.

Third, Xianzi accused Zhu Jun's behavior herself obtained many supporters for her.In the trend of "#Metoo" that swept China in 2018, there is a saying that it supports the victims, that is, of course, it is good to win the lawsuit. If you lose, you can also pay more attention to women's rights protection.This is actually in line with the logic of the European and American non -governmental organizations (NGOs), that is, to praise a certain concept with the help of judicial cases. Even if the lawsuit loses, the success of the concept is successful, which is a huge victory.However, a lot of Chinese netizens are actually doubtful because of the shadow support of international NGOs behind the string.Zhu Jun may also see this.

The string requires Zhu Jun to appear in court. Because I am no longer powerfulevidence.(internet)

Regardless of the end of the official Department, the case will become a reference case for Chinese judicially about sexual harassment.Long Darui, a researcher at the Chinese Center of Yale University Law School, pointed out that until recently, Chinese law has not been strictly defined in law.

He said: "So far, only a few cases related to sexual harassment have embarked on Chinese courts. What you often see is that if a work unit punish the accusited person, then the accused will sue the companyViolation of labor contracts. Or the prosecutor will sueThe company and the accusation of people harm their reputation."

In fact, the term "sexual harassment" only appeared in the relevant laws of protecting women's rights in China in 2005.Long Darui added that since then, local and provincial regulations have begun to emphasize law enforcement, but there has been almost no change at the grassroots level.

According to data from the Beijing Yuanzhong Gender Development Center, from 2010 to 2017, only 34 of the more than 50 million judgments in China involved sexual harassment allegations.Among them, only two cases were the victims sued the suspected sexual harassment, and both cases were eventually rejected on the grounds of "insufficient evidence".

In late May this year, the National People's Congress of China passed the new civil code and will take effect on January 1 next year.The Xinmin Code clearly defines sexual harassment as a behavior of "violating the wishes of others, using words, words, images, limb behavior, etc.", and clarifies the responsibility of preventing sexual harassment by government, enterprises and schools.

But some critics believe that this is still not enough to effectively protect the victims of sexual harassment cases.Long Darui said: "The Civil Code stipulates that enterprises must take measures to solve the problem of sexual harassment in the workplace, but it is not stated that what kind of responsibilities will the company face if they do not do so."

For Xianzi, if this defeat, she will also face Zhu Jun against her to violate her reputation and cause mental injury with a supporter, claiming 650,000 yuan (S $ 13,600).
