The Chinese Writers Association reportedly issued a announcement last week that according to the relevant documents of the PLA army, 38 military writers submitted the application for retreat and have been approved.

In today's report, Sing Tao Daily disclosed the above news, and said that this was the first time since the establishment of the Chinese Writers Association in 71 years.

According to reports, the official website of the Chinese Writers Association issued a 38 -troops to the retirement application for the retirement of 38 people, including the PLA retired generals, including the General Equipment of the PLA on Wednesday (16th).Former deputy political commissar Zhu Zengquan, Ma Guogo, former deputy political commissar of the Navy Aviation, Lu Wenhu, Dean of the Academy of Arts of the PLA, and Wang Hewen, former commander of the Zhejiang Military Region.

The announcement was not discovered on the official website of the Chinese Writers Association, and it was suspected to have been deleted.

Reports pointed out that the PLA writer's collective withdrawal from the Chinese Writers Association may protest that the association did not handle the "square incident".

Fang Fang, the chairman of the former Hubei Writers Association, recorded Wuhan life under the crown disease epidemic at the beginning of this year. Later, he published a diary in Europe and the United States, causing controversy in "smearing China".

However, the sources denied that there was a connection between the two to the Sing Tao Daily, and said that this was the problem of the PLA being strengthened the cleanup of soldiers to participate in the community.

The source said that since this year, the PLA officers with higher positions must clearly withdraw from various associations, and at most can only retain one -related society.In March of this year, the General Office of the Central Military Commission issued new revisions to further increase the restrictions on soldiers participating in the community, including clarifying to withdraw from the community of more than 70 years.

Qiu Huadong, secretary of the Secretariat of the Chinese Writers Association, was unwilling to talk about the matter when receiving the Sing Tao Daily's inquiry yesterday. It only said that this was "the army's requirements during the military reform, and there was no special meaning."

Lu Tianming, a well -known Chinese writer, wrote on personal Weibo on Friday (18th), "According to the latest news, the PLA not only required his writerThe purpose of these associations is to prepare for the battle with peace of mind. "

But he believes that the collective retirement incident has occurred for the first time since the establishment of the Chinese Writers Association, and the official does not explain any explanation, which will inevitably cause various speculations.
