The United States will increase the troops 3,000 to the Middle East to retaliate against Trump: kill Suleimani for the premiere

Suleimani and Shiites of Iraqi Militia Mobilized Mohadis were mobilized by the people.The national flag.(Agence France -Presse)

Trump said that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Holy City Brigade Instructor Suleimani was planning to attack Americans in a short period of time. He ordered the killing of Suleimani to prevent the war instead of provoking the war.The Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations Lawci responded that the United States' operation of killing Sulaimani was equivalent to war, and Iran must return teeth with teeth.

Cai Tiancheng sorting

[email protected]

(Washington Composite Electric) The United States and Iraq were in a tension. Iran said revenge. The US Pentagon announced on Friday that it would add nearly 3,000 troops to the Middle East to prevent U.S. citizens from facing the local threat.

These new U.S. military come from the 82nd Airborne Division.The Pentagon stated that the division's rapid reaction tour (IRF) to Kuwait will be associated with 750 U.S. military coordinated operations earlier this week.There are generally about 3,500 troops in the US brigade.

A senior US official revealed that when the United States necessary, the United States will consider adding soldiers, including dispatching the 173rd airborne travel in Europe to Lebanon to implement the task of protecting the embassy.Since May 2019, the United States has added 14,000 U.S. military to the Middle East.

U.S. President Trump ordered the killing of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Holy City Brigade, a commander of the Castle of Slymani.Moumani, a two -handed Mohadis, such as Suleimani and Shiites, Iraq, was killed by the U.S. military near the Baghdad International Airport on Friday (3rd) at the early morning of Friday (3rd).In addition to the United States call for American citizens to leave immediately in Iraq, the Israeli military also raised its alert. The United States' allies in Europe, including Britain, France, and Germany, expressed deep attention to the situation in the Middle East.

Trump told reporters at Haihu Manor in Florida on Friday that Sulaimani was planning to attack Americans in a short time. He ordered the killing of Suleimani to prevent the war instead of provoking war.

Trump explained that Suleimani planned to attack US diplomats and military personnel shortly later, but we knew all this and threw him out of Hellip; HelloP; we took action last night to stop a war.We did not provoke the war end.

US Secretary of State Pompeo pointed out that Suleimani actively planned major actions to take major actions to threaten hundreds of lives of the American people.

Trump's conversation is obviously responding to Democratic criticism.The Democratic Party has accused Trump of acting recklessly and pushing the risk of military confrontation in the Central East.

Trump said that the United States does not seek to replace the regime in Iran, but says that Tehran must stop various aggression in the Middle East, including the launch of the agent war.

Iran is still very tough.Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations, Lavicci, said in an interview with the United States Cable Television News Network that the United States' operation of killing Suleimani was equivalent to war. Iran must return to teeth with teeth, and the way to respond to military operations was to take military operations.

Iran may launch an Internet attack counterattack

Lavicci said that the US economic sanctions in Iran in 2018 and now assassinated Iran's senior generals, and the US -Iraq relations have undergone new changes.He said: As far as it seems that hellip; hellip; this new chapter is equivalent to fighting in Iran.

Earlier on Friday, Lavicci said in a letter to the United Nations Security Council and UN Secretary -General Gutres that Iran had the right to self -defense under international law.

It is generally believed that the counterattack operations that Iran may take next, including agents such as the Hussean rebels in Yemen, the Shiites militia in Iraq, or the Lebanon's Allah to create turmoil, or launch a cyber attack, block the HolmiThe Strait blocks oil transportation from all over the world.

Analysts believe that Tehran has strengthened its ability to attack important Western network infrastructure and even established an online army.French network security expert Kayzo said that once Iran launch a cyber attack, it is to destroy industrial goals such as dams or power plants, and the purpose is to create panic.

However, some analysts believe that although Iran will not show weakness, the actions may be limited.This is because US sanctions have seriously hindered Iran's economic development, and any action that triggered a conventional war with the United States will cause Iran to fall into trouble and even endanger the survival of Iran.Even if Iran choose to move martial arts, it is more likely to be small -scale military revenge.

Vemman, an expert in the International Crisis (ICG) of the Brouser's International Crisis (ICG), said: The basic assumption is still that what the United States and Iran want to see each other to make concessions instead of directly fighting.