Iranian jurisprudence commander Gayam Middot; Major General Suremanni (left) and the Iraqi People's Mobilization Organization two -handed Abu Middot; Middotus (Mohded Middot; Mohandis (right), he encountered an air strike at Baghdad Airport on January 3rdEssence(Reuters)

(Morning News) Two important generals of Iran and Iraqi militia were killed in the air strikes launched by the U.S. forces on Iraq on Friday (3rd).

Reuters quoted a spokesperson for the Iraqi people's mobilization organization that on January 3, the Iranian Holy City Brigade General Qassem Soleimani and the Iraqi People's Mobilization Organization ABU MAHDI Al-Muhandis)The fleet encountered an air raid at Baghdad Airport.

The Sancheng Brigade is a special forces for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard to perform overseas operations. The people's mobilization organization supported by Iran is the Shiites of Iran.

A spokesman for civilian mobilization said: Our enemies in the United States and Israel must be responsible for the death of Saints Mohadis and Suremanni.

Anonymous officials in the United States revealed that the air strike was aimed at two targets related to Iran in the territory of Iraq, but they refused to provide more details.