Fu Zhuo Tokyo Special officer

Japan needs the foreign population to make up for the lack of manpower,However, the crown disease epidemic has been delayed, and the introduction of outsiders' work stagnation.At the same time, some conservative forces in Japan also used the epidemic to "exceed" the epidemic, which linked this epidemic to foreigners.

"Introduction Outsiders" is a subject of attention in Japan. The country has always had conservative forces to support the policy of locking the country.Recently, a public opinion survey jointly issued by Nikkei News and Tokyo Television shows that the Japanese people have changed their views on the locking country after the epidemic.Earlier, people would think that the country lacks humanity, but the people in favor of the agreed after the epidemic have increased.

Recently, the Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Kishita, in order to deal with the mutant coronal virus, was banned from entering the country again at the end of November, and 88%of the Japanese expressed support.Although this is mainly epidemic prevention and short -term measures, some people are worried that this may increase the subconscious of some people discriminating against foreigners.

In the face of the aging of population, it is inevitable that dependence on the foreign population is inevitable.It is understood that the introduction of foreign workers in the field of construction alone has increased from 7,000 in 2011 to 77,000 last year.Recently, there are many merchants who are required to open up national borders, but the conservative forces of Japan are also singing.

Let foreigners have the new regulations of residents voting rights Wuzangye City.Foreigners have the right to vote for residents, but this plan has received multiple people call and email to oppose it.It is understood that the leaders in the Liberal Democratic Party took the lead.

Former Deputy Diplomacy Minister Sato is opposed to this regulation on Twitter for a long time.He said: "There are only 150,000 people in Musashino City, and 80,000 people are Chinese immigrants. This influence cannot be ignored. They may dominate the local parliament and help China to achieve their goals."In the early days of the crown disease epidemic, many places with many foreign residents were harassed by right -wing groups many times.At that time, the word "Wuhan pneumonia" was erected on Yokohama's Zhonghua Street, and they opened their voice and threatened the local Chinese.Some shop owners in Zhonghua Street also received injuries in bad words such as "Chinese people are garbage, bacteria, demon" and other bad words.