Michael Xin Senovation

[email protected]

(New York Composite Electric)Modner was rarely required by shareholders to share the technology of coronary vaccine with low -income countries, and was questioned that the vaccine pricing was too high.

LegalgeneralIlinVESTMENTMAGEMENT (LGIM), the largest asset management company in London, is one of Modner's shareholders.LGIM said that Modner received the US government's subsidy for at least 2.5 billion US dollars (about S $ 3.4 billion) for vaccine research and development funds, but so far it mainly ships to rich countries and has not transferred technology to low -income countries.

Lgim is not one of the top ten shareholders of Modner, it said that all shareholders of Modner have the right to know how the funds provided by the US government for vaccines affect the acquisition of vaccines, such as pricing strategies."At least from the US government's funding from US $ 2.5 billion, Modner has not opened any vaccine production technology to the pharmacies in low -income countries until October this year.The price of the sale of vaccines in a country is far exceeding many developed countries. "

According to the British Financial Times, LGIM criticized Modner in the proposal that Modner provided most of the crown vaccine to high -income countries.Essence"As of September this year, Modner has transported its 88%dose to a medium -to -high -income country. Although in some cases, Modner proposed to provide vaccines to poor countries at relatively low prices, the premise is that the premise is thatFirst complete orders for other (wealthy) countries. "

Previously, Modner's other investor international non -governmental organization Oxfam also cooperated with other shareholders to compete with Modner and with other shareholders.Pfizer submitted a petition to urge the two pharmaceutical giants to take more measures to achieve coronary vaccine technology sharing.

For Modner, which was only listed in 2018, investors have been publicly questioned for the first time.Modner has submitted an application for rejection of the above -mentioned shareholders' proposal to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and stated that it will release more information about vaccine pricing before February 15 next year.

U.S. companies often challenge shareholders' proposals and often win.

Modner estimates that this year's crown disease vaccine sales can reach 15 billion to 18 billion US dollars; Pfizer estimates that its sales can reach $ 36 billion.The Financial Times predicts that the two companies can account for a total of more than 93 billion US dollars in a total of more than $ 93 billion.

Modner has been supported by the federal government because of cooperation with the National Institute of Health and the National Health Research Institute. It has been facing the pressure of the outside world calling on it to reduce prices and transfer technology to the poor.Graham, deputy director of the National Institute of Health Research, revealed earlier this year that due to the participation of the government's participation in development, the influence should be exerted in the pricing of Modner vaccine.

Modna has been trying to draw a clear boundary with the National Health Research Institute. For example, it has issued a statement not long ago that Graham and two other US government scientists are not Modner Coronation vaccineJoint developer.