Modner's chief medical careGuan Burtton told the British House of Commons on Tuesday that the crown disease infection usually involves only one strain, but in a few cases, patients may infect two strains at the same time.If Delta and Omikon are infected with a cell at the same time, the two may exchange deoxyrocyanic acid, which will cause new super variant strains.

(London Composite Electric) Modner Chief Medical Officer Burton warned that if there are coronary diseases infected with Omikdon and Delta, they may be derived fromA more dangerous new type of super -variant virus.Although the situation of two strains infected at the same time is extremely rare, Burton believes that there are currently a large number of Delta and Omiko cases in the UK, which increases the possibility of the combination of these two strains.

Burton told the British House of Science and Technology Committee on Tuesday (December 14) that the infection of crown disease usually involves only one poison strain, but in a few cases, patients may infect two poisons at the same time at the same time.The strain.If Delta and Omikon are infected with a cell at the same time, the two may exchange deoxyrum ribosacucleic acid (DNA), which will derive new super variant strains.

So far, only three types of coronary diseases are generated after the exchange genes of different strains, and their danger is not high.In the UK in January this year, Alpha strains combined with B.1.177 strains, but it disappeared after more than 40 people infected.In February this year, such coronary virus genes also occurred in the United States, and there were few cases.

Berton pointed out that earlier research data from South Africa showed that some people, including low immunity, may infect two strains at the same time.Because there are many cases of Delta and Omikdon in the UK, this situation may occur in the UK.When asked if this would cause more dangerous variants, Burton said that this is possible.

After the British notified for the first time at the end of last month, it was discovered that Omikon had become the mainstream strain in the capital London in just a few weeks, accounting for about 60%of the local new cases.

British new cases innovate high in many areas in many areas., From the highest record in January, about 10,000.There were more than 10,000 cases in the UK, at least 10 patients were hospitalized and one person died.

Harry, CEO of the British Health and Security Agency, warned that Omikon may be the most serious threat since the outbreak of the epidemic, and its increase may be very amazing in the next few days.She pointed out that Omikon's cases are doubled. At present, cases in many areas in the UK have doubled in less than two days, and the growth rates of London and Manchester are particularly high.

The British National Health Agency is preparing for the "as big or larger as the same period last year".Chief Medical Officer Huiti said that Britain was pinched by two variable strains, hoping that people would reduce Christmas celebrations and avoid unnecessary contact with others.

In order to reduce the pressure of the medical system, the British government has accelerated the addition of vaccination for the people.However, experts point out that this cannot prevent the surge in Omikon's cases in a few weeks, because the vaccine takes time to play effect.

Social Policy experts of Liverpool University, Wilker, said: "The implementation of new epidemic prevention restrictions is inevitable, but the government continues to focus on vaccination."

He believes that although the authorities have taken new measures, such as the expansion of the mask to make the implementation scope and stipulate that the public must show the completion of vaccination or show a yin detection certificate to participate in large -scale events, the authorities may still "lose this competition."