December 17, 2011, December 17, 2011After the death of Kim Jong Il, the Japanese North Korean leader, Kim Jong -un, who was rushing to succeed, was facing external questions such as youth and lack of experience.In order to overcome these "weaknesses", Kim Jong -un took power with "execution".

Jiang Guiying Shouer Correspondent

[email protected]

Yesterday was the 10th anniversary of North Korea's late leader Kim Jong Il's death, and it was also the 10th anniversary of Kim Jong -un.South Korean media summarized Kim Jong -un's 10 years of administration as three keywords: "execution, nuclear weapons, and Trump diplomacy".

After the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il on December 17, 2011, Kim Jong -un, who was rushing to succeed, faced the outside world questioning from youth and lack of experience.In order to overcome these "weaknesses", Kim Jong -un took power with "execution".

In the farewell formula of Kim Jong Il's body, Li Yinghao, Zhang Chengze, and Jin Yongchun, which are called "Fuling Seven yuan,", which explains this symbolicly. They are in Kim Jong Un.After five years of administration, all of them were executed or resigned, and disappeared.In 2013, Kim Jong -un took over the second uncle Zhang Chengze. In 2017, he also dispatched a assassination group in Kuala Lumpur to assassinate his brother Kim Jong -nam.

According to the Korean National Insurance Research Institute, five years in the early days of Kim Jong -un, more than 140 high -level officials of the party, government and military and army were executed.

A source said: "Although Kim Jong -un's terror rule has continued to this day, since the South Korean Moon Jae -in government came to power in 2017, South Korea has opened the information that stimulated North Korea.Executive 700 people during the year. "

Long -term sanction of North Korea's economic reform cannot play a role

At the same time, Kim Jong -un has performed four times within 10 years in power.Nuclear test and more than 60 missile tests.Nuclear tests and launch aimed at intercontinental missiles aimed at the United States, stimulating to the US government.Due to the long -led superb sanctions by the United States, Kim Jong -un's economic reform cannot play a role.

When inheriting his father Kim Jong Il's regime in 2011, North Korea's total trade was US $ 6.36 billion (about S $ 8.6 billion), but after the United Nations imposed sanctions on North Korea, the total trade in 2018 dropped to its total trade.2.84 billion US dollars, a decrease of more than half.

In view of this, at the Labor Party's plenary meeting in April 2018, Kim Jong -un announced that he had abandoned the "nuclear weapons and the economy in parallel" proposed in 2013, and instead made its efforts to carry out economic construction.

Affected by the crown disease epidemic last year, the Chinese and North Korea blocked the border, which even caused the North Korean economy to become difficult.Last year, North Korea's trade fell to $ 860 million, the level of the 1970s.

In diplomacy, on June 12, 2018, Trump and Kim Jong -un held a historic US -North Korea summit in Singapore.In February 2019, the two countries failed to reach a nuclearization agreement at the Hanoi Summit. Kim Jong -un, who took the 60 -hour train to Hanoi, finally returned empty -handed.In June of that year, the two sides had a lightning formula in Banmen Store, but since then the North Korea -US relations have not made any progress.Earlier this year, the United States also changed President Biden.

Park Jongzhe, a guest research member of the South Korean Unified Research Institute, said that in the past 10 years, Kim Jong -un has consolidated the foundation of power and has become a nuclear country. This can be said to be the biggest political achievement.However, he failed to lift sanctions and improve relations with the United States and the United States.

He said that Kim Jong -un was looking forward to using South Korea to approach the United States and expand economic cooperation in South Korea, but this dream was blocked by the barrier of sanctions.Although Kim Jong -un held a nuclear weapon and emphasized self -reliance, the elites would follow him, and no one knew.