Comments: "Buying India and selling China" stock trading strategy is becoming a yel
Comments: "Buying India and selling China" stock trading strategy is becoming a yel
Source: Bloomberg Author: John Cheng, Abhishek Vishnoi, Tania Chen A popular stock investment strategy- "buying India and selling China" has reached a turning point for some investors. After experiencing a record of the rise, Lazard Asset M...
2024-07-31 00:52:50
Comment: Bombing the Iranian embassy may become a major risk point of conflict overflo
Comment: Bombing the Iranian embassy may become a major risk point of conflict overflo
Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency Reporter: Wang Fengling Israel launched an air strike on the Iranian Embassy in Syria on April 1, causing seven people to kill. This is Israel's first attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria.The outsid...
2024-07-30 23:33:21
Nanzao: Can India take the champion of manufacturing from China?
Nanzao: Can India take the champion of manufacturing from China?
India is competing for China's manufacturing crown.But can it succeed? The Hong Kong South China Morning Post website published on March 23 that India is competing for China's manufacturing championship to analyze whether India can capture...
2024-07-30 23:33:19
China strives to improve the competitiveness of artificial intelligence research and d
China strives to improve the competitiveness of artificial intelligence research and d
According to the Hong Kong South China Morning Post website reported on March 31, industry leaders said that if Chinese artificial intelligence companies want to catch up with the US market leaders, they need to focus on developmentYour own...
2024-07-30 23:33:16
Media: The daughter of the landlord was fired "lift lamp loss"?
Media: The daughter of the landlord was fired "lift lamp loss"?
Although "one person is doing things and one person", he should not anger his family and even rise to regional discrimination.However, this is based on the premise of being dealt with fairly and being punished by the incident, and it is not...
2024-07-30 23:33:13
Han Heyuan: China should still be on the supply side
Han Heyuan: China should still be on the supply side
For the recent concept of "new quality productive forces" proposed by China's official, some scholars have interpreted that the current economic policy ideas in China are still supply -side reforms, and the effort point is still the supply...
2024-07-30 23:33:10
Weida: Reform and opening up can not take regret medicine without taking
Weida: Reform and opening up can not take regret medicine without taking
The prosperity of civilization and experience in different historical periods in different historical periods fully stated that government power management, personal property rights protection, and independent judicial system are actually a...
2024-07-30 23:33:07
Zhang Jianwei: What is the secret of Indonesia's democracy?
Zhang Jianwei: What is the secret of Indonesia's democracy?
Under the influence of many social and economic adverse factors and system disadvantages, Indonesia's democracy can eventually consolidate. An important secret is to attach great importance to the art of "cooperation", especially the cooper...
2024-07-30 23:33:04
Wu Jungang: The 3rd Democratic Summit quietly ended
Wu Jungang: The 3rd Democratic Summit quietly ended
Asianan has proven that different political systems and countries in different democratic forms can seek common ground while depositing differences and coexist.Therefore, if the great power can open his mind and leave the desire to dominate...
2024-07-30 23:33:01
Comment: The younger generation of financial pressure is heavy Bayon has the risk of l
Comment: The younger generation of financial pressure is heavy Bayon has the risk of l
Source: Bloomberg Author: jarrell dillard They carry heavy student loans.They were rejected by the housing market.They were impacted by rising living expenses.They want President Joe Biden to listen to their voices. As Donald Trump was weak...
2024-07-30 23:32:58
Comment: The cost of expanding investment for the first time in the United States manu
Comment: The cost of expanding investment for the first time in the United States manu
Source: Bloomberg Author: Mark Niquette Thanks to the large rebound and demand for strong production, the US manufacturing activities in the United States have expanded for the first time since September 2022, but the cost of investment has...
2024-07-30 23:32:56
US media: Giant container ships increase global shipping risks
US media: Giant container ships increase global shipping risks
The Washington Post website published on March 28, an article entitled to the global risk brought about by the changing container ships, the author is Adam Taylor.Article excerpts as follows: Large ships may cause big problems.In 2021, the...
2024-07-21 22:16:13
Jin Jianguo: Trump and Biden's unprecedented confrontation
Jin Jianguo: Trump and Biden's unprecedented confrontation
Trump and Biden have once again confronted, and there are two precedents for repeated duels in American history.Dwight David Eisenhower has defeated ADLAI E. Stevenson II.Grover Cleveland is the only person to defeat the president's throne...
2024-07-21 22:16:10
Qian Nanzhang: The truth of American immigrants
Qian Nanzhang: The truth of American immigrants
The truth of immigrants is far from some politicians and media people as terrible as you want you to believe, which is good news for the American people.The possibility of immigration crimes is much lower than American citizens.However, the...
2024-07-21 22:16:06
Gao Jiansheng: Where is the NATO in the "Ancient Year"?
Gao Jiansheng: Where is the NATO in the "Ancient Year"?
April 4 this year is the 75th birthday of the North Atlantic Convention (NATO).庆生前的3月7日,继芬兰之后,瑞典正式入盟,不仅宣告放弃秉持200多年的中立政策,也意味着北约成员国由当年的12个签字...
2024-07-21 22:16:03