Cui Shu: Can the wave of China's industrial transfer let the four Asian tigers ta
Cui Shu: Can the wave of China's industrial transfer let the four Asian tigers ta
To answer this question, you must first know why the "Asian Four Little Tigers" in the past (editor: Refers to Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines) after the high -speed development of the 1980s and 1990s, it has been stunned...
2024-08-27 23:11:18
Wu Kaishi: Kim Jong -un's continuation of totalitarianism is the North Korean sys
Wu Kaishi: Kim Jong -un's continuation of totalitarianism is the North Korean sys
Lianhe Morning Post on May 19th, a concubine complex reported by Jiang Guiying, the "Kim Jong -un, it is impossible for North Korea to be open", and Kim Jong -un often "prove himself more intensely" and attributed to his sister -in -law com...
2024-08-27 23:11:15
Graham Aireson: What can the West learn from Singapore
Graham Aireson: What can the West learn from Singapore
Americans and British cherishes freedom of speech, freedom of pressing, freedom of assembly, and freedom related to them.However, if they let them choose, will they accept certain rights to be restricted to enjoy high standard governance th...
2024-08-27 23:11:11
Liao Jianyu: Plabowo's diplomatic concept
Liao Jianyu: Plabowo's diplomatic concept
If you know his background, we may probably see why Plabowo envy China's achievements.The birth of soldiers and Plaboor, who has a strong Indonesian nationalist thought, admires China to achieve significant achievements under the centraliza...
2024-08-27 23:11:09
Zheng Weibin: The Asian strategy shift in the United States and the protection of Taiw
Zheng Weibin: The Asian strategy shift in the United States and the protection of Taiw
U.S. President Bynden said recently that the United States does not seek Taiwan independence. If mainland China tries to change the status quo, Washington does not rule out the use of force to protect Taiwan.This is the fifth time since Bid...
2024-08-27 23:11:06
Society: The ruling party needs to continue to update itself
Society: The ruling party needs to continue to update itself
The People's Action Party will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the party this year. In the past six months, through the "update of the DAP" activities, it will collect opinions from 2,300 grass -roots party members to lear...
2024-08-27 23:11:03
Li Yanjun: I was surrounded by a second tour?
Li Yanjun: I was surrounded by a second tour?
Fanimecon, the largest animation conference in North California in late May, has added another member of many large and small exhibitions in recent years.From 10 years ago, there are few days to be held almost every month.It is rising at an...
2024-08-27 21:51:24
Comment: Bayeng talks about freedom and democracy at Normandy Beach, but secretly refe
Comment: Bayeng talks about freedom and democracy at Normandy Beach, but secretly refe
Source: Bloomberg Author: Michelle Jamrisko, Jordan Fabian U.S. President Joe Bedden at the former battlefield of Normandy Beach remembered the heroic deeds of the Army Cavalry of the Nazi position on the landing day climbing on the Oak Hor...
2024-08-27 21:51:22
Huang Shunjie: Prime Minister's desk
Huang Shunjie: Prime Minister's desk
Do you know that after Prime Minister Huang Xuncai took over the national leadership stick, which social media post has attracted the most attention?It was not his incentive for inauguration, not the cabinet meeting he was at the helm, nor...
2024-08-27 21:51:18
Yan Mengda: People are not lazy
Yan Mengda: People are not lazy
Without a stable political environment, there is not enough national financial resources. These beautiful new pictures and ambitions are just empty towers and cloud phantoms. The 21st Shangri -La Dialogue Annual Forum jointly sponsored by t...
2024-08-27 21:51:15
Li Zhiyang: Watching main military exercises in Taipei
Li Zhiyang: Watching main military exercises in Taipei
Go to Taiwan in May to arrive in Taipei the next morning. When eating breakfast next to the coffee shop next to the north gate of the century -old monument, the notice from the mobile phone screen continues to pop up the major news institut...
2024-08-27 21:51:12
Hong Yiting: Why do we have children?
Hong Yiting: Why do we have children?
What needs to be rethinking is how to break individuals and the concepts of parenting and pension centered on individual families, expand to a new model of mutual support and responsibility to each other between generations. Due to the grea...
2024-08-27 21:51:09
Lin Renjun: The experiment has not yet been completed, and the compatriots still have
Lin Renjun: The experiment has not yet been completed, and the compatriots still have
If Singapore cannot be avoided on the "road of democracy must" where political parties rotate, or the ruling party is no longer unique, can our current good administration be maintained?How to maintain it? The Housing and Development Bureau...
2024-08-27 21:51:06
Guo Bingyun: Japan joined AUKUS and only a few times?
Guo Bingyun: Japan joined AUKUS and only a few times?
Comprehensive culture and security, AUKUS should be the highest medium -level military alliance in the United States, even New Zealand and Canada are temporarily not qualified to join, not to mention Japan. AUKUS issued a joint statement in...
2024-08-27 21:51:03
Takada General: What is the significance of Japanese participation in AUKUS?
Takada General: What is the significance of Japanese participation in AUKUS?
According to observation, Japan is expected to participate in the AUKUS of security cooperation frameworks (AUKUS) in Australia, Britain, and the United States. AUKUS is a security framework established in Australia and the United States in...
2024-08-27 21:51:00