<b>Anti -academic exchanges for stealing intelligence penetration will become the spy bat</b>
Anti -academic exchanges for stealing intelligence penetration will become the spy bat
Special Scholars of interviewees pointed out that the academic circle is most likely to be subject to intelligence agencies in the academic circle, because most think tank scholars do hot issues and policy research, and they also have the o...
2023-09-19 12:48:16
The United States, China, and Russia's triangle strategy in the United States is
The United States, China, and Russia's triangle strategy in the United States is
Author: Lai Yueqian Source: China Times US Secretary of Shanto Pompeo delivered a major speech on Chinese policies at the Presidential Library and Museum in California on July 24.Taking the future of the Communist Party China and the Freedo...
2023-09-19 12:48:13
Comment: Abe is dangerous
Comment: Abe is dangerous
Source: Chinese Version of Commercial Weekly As the support rate of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe continues to decline, in order to boost the Japanese economy that has fallen into a decline, the possibility of stimulating policy increa...
2023-09-19 12:48:11
Peng Shengyu: "Seven districts" deal with current Sino -US relations
Peng Shengyu: "Seven districts" deal with current Sino -US relations
It should really be Mdash published in the joint Zaobao on June 15; MDASH; be alert to the far -reaching damage mentioned in the last five months of Trump: Trump will be every few months before the steps to step down.Boxing.The people and t...
2023-09-19 12:48:08
Tian Feilong: Senior officials involved in Hong Kong exposed US legal bullying
Tian Feilong: Senior officials involved in Hong Kong exposed US legal bullying
Author: Tian Feilong Source: Ming Pao A few days ago, the United States announced that the so -called sanctions on 11 senior officials in the central government and Hong Kong have taken the substantial pace of implementing the Hong Kong Aut...
2023-09-19 12:48:06
Wang Yi and Yang Jiechi shouted one after another.
Wang Yi and Yang Jiechi shouted one after another.
Author: Wu Di Source: Hong Kong 01 In recent days, Beijing has frequently appeared by senior officials on Sino -US relations, and the release of the message is worth paying attention. On August 7th, Yang Jiechi, Secretary -General of the CP...
2023-09-19 12:48:04
Society: Why is the DPP government destined to fail?
Society: Why is the DPP government destined to fail?
Source: China Times Society The global competitiveness report released by Lausanne International Management College (IMD) in June (IMD), Taiwan's competitiveness ranked 11th in the world, and the government was vigorously promoted.However,...
2023-09-19 12:48:01
Peng Shengyu: What did you fail to contact China?
Peng Shengyu: What did you fail to contact China?
On August 5th, State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi accepted an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency, saying that the US Secretary of State Pompeo said that the previous US government's contact policy failed to exp...
2023-09-19 12:28:17
Zhang Yuhuan's case, don't rush to say "late justice" for the victims
Zhang Yuhuan's case, don't rush to say "late justice" for the victims
Original PhD baby Bao Tucao youth: Cao Lin's current political observation Abstract: The case of unjust or false cases not only makes the innocent uncomfortable, but also missed the best time to handle the case. In addition, 27 years have p...
2023-09-19 12:28:14
<b>Focus: Sino -US conflict is by no means a shouting that can be resolved</b>
Focus: Sino -US conflict is by no means a shouting that can be resolved
Cao Xin: It seems that China and the United States do not decompose are the main demands of China. At least it is one of the most important demands. This column is co -sponsored by FT Chinese website and Jingwei Far Public Accounts, and the...
2023-09-19 12:28:12
<b>Garnesh: Trump's defeat is not the same as that of authority and frustration</b>
Garnesh: Trump's defeat is not the same as that of authority and frustration
Garnesh: Some opinion believes that if Trump's defeat in November, it will marker the Americans' rejection of authoritarian authority.This is a misunderstanding. The slogan of the three words starting with a verb is the currency of populism...
2023-09-19 12:28:09
Qi Dongtao: Taiwan and South China Sea in the New Cold War of China and the United Sta
Qi Dongtao: Taiwan and South China Sea in the New Cold War of China and the United Sta
To the extent that China and the United States have already been in the New Cold War, there are still a lot of controversy. Whether it will inevitably fall into the trap of Xunxede, which has caused the war due to the hegemony of the great...
2023-09-19 12:28:07
<b>Yu Zeyuan: The byte beating should "hard" Trump?</b>
Yu Zeyuan: The byte beating should "hard" Trump?
Ji Yan Chunqiu Under the pressure of U.S. President Trump threatened the beating of the parent company and its subsidiaries to conduct any transaction, the byte beating chose to counterattack, saying that if the U.S. government was treated...
2023-09-19 12:28:05
<b>Zhou Nongjian: The civilized conflict behind the China -US game</b>
Zhou Nongjian: The civilized conflict behind the China -US game
The Sino -US game seems to be just a dispute between interests and ideology between the two countries, but in fact it reflects a more civilized conflict of background. Recently, Sino -US relations have turned sharply.First, the trade war wa...
2023-09-19 12:28:02
<b>Beautiful "long arm" shows domineering and "scared" power weakness</b>
Beautiful "long arm" shows domineering and "scared" power weakness
Source: Sing Tao Daily The U.S. government announced that 11 officials from China and Hong Kong officials clearly showed their long -arm jurisdictions to strengthen their power to foreign countries.in accordance with.However, the United Sta...
2023-09-19 12:28:00