Comment: What is the role of the house pension system and where does money come from?
Comment: What is the role of the house pension system and where does money come from?
Source: Surging News According to the China Construction Daily, on the afternoon of June 26, Ni Hong, the party secretary and minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development, met with Ge Haizheng, secretary of the Party Com...
2023-10-10 04:43:01
Su Yonglin: The price of Lai Qingde's visit to the United States before election
Su Yonglin: The price of Lai Qingde's visit to the United States before election
Source: Zhongshi Electronic News Author: Su Yonglin The US Media Wall Street Journal reported that when U.S. Secretary of State Brillings visited Beijing a few days ago, China asked the United States' attitude towards the 2024 Taiwan electi...
2023-10-10 04:42:58
Comment: Hong Kong's economy is concerned about relaxing the property policy of t
Comment: Hong Kong's economy is concerned about relaxing the property policy of t
Source: Ming Pao Ming Pao Society Review The economy is weak, and the decline in imports and exports in Hong Kong has expanded.Hong Kong is a highly open small economy, and the global commodity trade has slowed down sharply, which directly...
2023-10-10 04:42:56
Ye Wanan: Can the United States rebuild economic leadership?
Ye Wanan: Can the United States rebuild economic leadership?
Source: United News Network Author: Ye Wanan The US White House National Security Consultant Sarawon gave a speech on April 27, based on the title of "rebuilding the position of US economic leadership", comprehensively reviewing the past ec...
2023-10-10 04:42:53
Yang Yingchao: The hidden discrimination behind the "3+1" policy
Yang Yingchao: The hidden discrimination behind the "3+1" policy
Source: United News Network Author: Yang Yingchao After the Tsai government hurriedly extended the obligation period, the latest support was the "3+1" policy for studying in service.In the face of social dissatisfaction, the Executive Yuan...
2023-10-10 04:42:51
Comments: Shield of Spear Spear China to solve the "de -risk" to solve another way
Comments: Shield of Spear Spear China to solve the "de -risk" to solve another way
Source: Bloomberg When Washington first used the concept of "risk" to persuade Europe to prevent key technologies for exports to China, Chinese officials believed that the word was not different from decoupling.Beijing is now trying a new s...
2023-10-10 04:42:48
Wu Jungang: Why do Wei Guo need mercenaries?
Wu Jungang: Why do Wei Guo need mercenaries?
The Russian and Ukraine Warfronts, the Vagina hired mercenaries in the war, the mercenary organization, suddenly changed their troops last weekend (June 24) and shocked.However, he claimed that he was going to hit the tiger of the tiger hea...
2023-10-10 04:42:45
Han He Yuan: Behind the Wagner rebellion
Han He Yuan: Behind the Wagner rebellion
A rebellion organized by Russian mercenaries Wagner, completely exposed the contradictions within Russia and the weakness of the country to the world.The crisis comes from the bureaucracy led by President Putin's bureaucratic system led by...
2023-10-10 02:03:12
Weida: The Cold War 2.0 version 2.0 after the opening of Eurasia
Weida: The Cold War 2.0 version 2.0 after the opening of Eurasia
Ukraine launched a big counterattack in early June. After about 10 days of fierce battle, the offensive suddenly slowed down.However, Ukraine still announced its progress in counterattack, recovering about 100 square kilometers of occupatio...
2023-10-10 02:03:09
Lin Yuan: The DPP Lai Qingde talked about the Battle of Chibi
Lin Yuan: The DPP Lai Qingde talked about the Battle of Chibi
When the Democratic Progressive Party chairman and presidential candidate Lai Qingde attended the "Symposium on the Symposium on the Followers Followers of the National Tourism Foreign Brigade of Tainan" on June 7, the Battle of the Chibi d...
2023-10-10 02:03:07
Society: Can Indian manufacturing replace Made in China?
Society: Can Indian manufacturing replace Made in China?
Source: Taiwan Industry and Commerce Times Industrial and Commercial Society Indian Prime Minister Modi visited the United States a few days ago, and accompanied by US President Biden, he met with Apple, Google and Microsoft CEO in the Whit...
2023-10-10 02:03:04
Comments: Three reasons for the new hatred and old hate fight
Comments: Three reasons for the new hatred and old hate fight
Source: Ming Pao The leader of the Wagner Group Poligon came to an end of Lightning, and its exact calculation and the end of the future have attracted much attention.Military analysts and Western intelligence officials believe that there a...
2023-10-10 02:03:02
Comments: Mercenary mutiny to combat the Putin War Political Bureau has not seen great
Comments: Mercenary mutiny to combat the Putin War Political Bureau has not seen great
Source: Ming Pao Ming Pao Society Review The Russian mercenary organization's Wagner Group mutiny, ending in a compromise in Beros to mediate.On the surface, the Wagner Group is the private militia organization. It actually was supported by...
2023-10-10 02:02:59
Comments: Russian soldiers will end the outside world curious core three people's
Comments: Russian soldiers will end the outside world curious core three people's
Source: Taiwan United Daily The Russian mercenary organization "Wagner Group" has ended rapidly. The outside world is curious about Russian President Putin, his relatives and defense ministers, Shoegu, and Wagner's head of Pleigo.The first...
2023-10-10 02:02:57
Li Chengyin: Hou Ke's service trade highlights Lai Qingde's ignorance of the
Li Chengyin: Hou Ke's service trade highlights Lai Qingde's ignorance of the
Source: Taiwan United Daily Author: Li Chengyin The cross -strait service trade agreement is discussed again. The Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi is supporting, but was approved by the Democratic Progressive President Lai Qingde...
2023-10-10 02:02:54