Data map: Yellen attended the G20 Finance Minister Conference in July

Reutea Barros

U.S. Treasury Secretary Yelun said on Sunday that after the term of office of the US President Biden ended in January next year, she "may end" at the highest level of the government, but she may soon meet again with Chinese counterpart officials.

At the Texas Forum on Austin, Texas, when asked if she would "end" when she took office in January next year, she would continue to stay or serve as a new government.During his position, Yellen said: "May end office, but ... we will wait and see."

This is the 78 -year -old Yellen closest to declare her future plan.Yellen is the first woman who has served as Treasury Secretary, the Federal Reserve and the director of the State Economic Committee of the White House.

Yellen said at Austin's event that she still has a lot of work to do in the Ministry of Finance in the next few months, including may meet with the Vice Premier He Lifeng of the State Council of China.She and He Lifeng met in Beijing in April.

Yellen said she welcomes Chinese officials to visit the United States, but she may also visit China again.She added that "my guess is that we will visit in some way."

She said that the next U.S. government needs to give priority to the "US -China relations and discuss the highest levels and the staff of various institutions.

** Stable Economy **

Yellen also said that as the inflation rate decreases, the US economy has basically achieved "soft landing".Non -agricultural employment data announced on Friday shows that despite the slowdown of recruitment speed, the unemployment rate has decreased slightly.

Yelun said: "When you see the pace of employment growth, when the time weakens, I hope to see it roughly stable at the current level, we must carefully ensure that it will not weaken further."

She said that consumer expenditure is still "quite stable". Although the recruitment is "not so enthusiastic", there is no large -scale layoff.

Yelun said: "I am now concerned about the downward risk of employment, but I think what we see now will continue to see a good and stable economy."