U.S. media pointed out that during the visit of San Francisco's visit to San Francisco last year, the Chinese President Xi Jinping supported the conflict between the protest groups in the local area, which was related to the Chinese diplomat in the United States in the United States.

However, the Chinese Embassy in Washington refuted that this narrative is purely political, and urges the United States to stop false information.

The Washington Post issued a survey report on Tuesday (September 3), saying that China tried to cross -border overseas diasporas against human rights against the CCP, as some of the CCP, Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and mainland China.

Xi Jinping visited San Francisco last November, attended the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit, and met with US President Biden. During the period, supporters and protesters conflicted in San Francisco.

Hua Post refers to the verified video showing that although the protest groups support and oppose Xi Jinping's protest groups have attacks, the most extreme violence is incited by the actives of the CCP and protested by protests and protested by the protests.The coordination team composed of young people in the crowd is carried out.

It is reported that in the four -day protests from November 14th to 17th, at least four diplomats in the Chinese consulate in Los Angeles and San Francisco appeared in the relatives of the CCP, sometimes even directly and directly with each other.Excited protesters interact.

Seven people involved in the arrangement revealed that Chinese diplomats have hired at least 60 private security guards to "protect" the Chinese groups who welcome Xi Jinping.

According to the WeChat group information viewed by Huayai, the Chinese consulate in Los Angeles also paid the supporters' accommodation and catering fees to encourage them to participate.At least 35 pro -Chinese groups from New York, Pennsylvania, Washington and other places participated in related activities.

Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, and a spokesman for the Chinese Consulate in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles, responded to Huayan through email, emphasizing that members of the Chinese community voluntarily went to San Francisco to welcome Xi Jinping, but they became "moreThe victims of provocation and violence ".

Statement that "a few US organizations and institutions are put together to make up the 'evidence', conduct defamatory hypotheses and unfounded 'surveys' on voluntary welcoming groups, and discredit Chinese diplomats and consulates who are inscribed in the United States"

The statement also said:" This narrative is purely political, and China has strong opposition.The violent attack on "participating in the warm and welcome Chinese people" said that the Chinese embassy in the United States has asked the United States to investigate violent incidents.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not respond to Huayou's inquiry.