Peitan, who was just 38 years old, inherited his father Daxin's mantle a few days before his birthday and became the new Prime Minister of Thailand.

In the political development of modern countries, there are many "political families" that have the authority of the state.However, it is rare to be able to experience a coup and exile in continuous experience in continuous experience and exile. In the end, it is rare.Thailand's Daxin Kacona family is a more typical case.

Daxin family has come back, is it the end of the Thai political farce or the tranquility before the storm?Look at this period of the world's explanations for you.

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00:00 Daxin Family Dongshan Raise? How long can the new government be maintained?00:53 dissatisfied with the military Bavi forces? The contradiction of the governing alliance reappears?06:22 A four Prime Minister? After the ups and downs, it still maintains political influence. 10:20 The rise of the new forces in politics? Chengdaxin and Conservative Enemies are opportunities to be friends at 14:15 Where does the Thai political situation go?

Thailand's politics in early August 2024 is not too peaceful.

First of all, the largest party of the House of Commons, the APPC, because during the last year's election, it was proposed to modify the law offending the monarchy, which was disbanded by the Constitutional Court's decision, and banned 11 party leaders such as the party to participate in politics in the next 10 years.

Sometimes the Prime Minister's social morality was appointed by the former lawyer who had the former lawyer than seven, and "seriously violated moral standards."

After a series of political storms, Thai politics ushered in unexpectedly, but also reasonable results: the young daughter of the former Prime Minister's faith, the largest party of the governing alliance, was recommended for the Thai party leader Peitan and became theThe youngest Prime Minister in Thailand.

From any of his father in 2001, this political family with blood and in -laws as the bond spans two generations and 23 years before and after, and four Thai prime ministers have been born.

Is the young girl as Prime Minister? Daxin is manipulated behind the scenes?

Peitan can be appointed, which is the result of the dismissal from the former Prime Minister of the same party.

Social Germany has been in power for less than a year, and now he has ended his term.Pravit Rojanaphruk, a senior media person in Thailand, told the world that there are several different analysis on this issue.

One is the selection process of social morality and his government cabinet. There is indeed a leak to let Biqi pass the review smoothly and enter the final list.

Another point of view is that the steps of social morality may be Daxin's conspiracy.Bavavi said, "Biqi was a lawyer of Daxin and Yingla's brothers and sisters. Many people knew that he had been accused of the fact that he was trying to bribe the court officials.Daxin.

In addition, there are public opinion that there are not many governing experience in Peitan, who is on stage. Daxin may be remotely controlled behind the scenes and even returned to Thailand's political stage.

Faced with such doubts, both Peitan and Daxin each have their own expressions.Experts also shared the observation and interpretation of Daxin's "curtain listening to politics" to the world.

The rise of the orange power?

The Daxin family can come back to Dongshan and return to Thailand's top politics. One of the key is that the "orange power" represented by the front party, which has just been dissolved, has risen strongly in Thailand's politics.

Throughout the era of Daxin and sister Yingla, both stepped down due to the military coup launched by the domestic royalist and eventually exiled overseas.The faction supporters of the struggle also repeatedly protested on the streets, and it became the main axis of Thailand's political disputes during that period.

Huang Yizhan, consultant of the United Nations Asia -Pacific Economic and Social Council for a long time to observe the political situation in Southeast Asia, said that since the Daxin period, the policy commitment to quickly reflect the needs of middle and lower voters is an important political tool for the Thai party.

But after two military coup, the Daxin faction may realize that if different conservative compromises will increase the challenge to enter the core center of Thailand.

Therefore, "even if the Thai party still has a certain public opinion foundation, it has gradually moved towards the traditional forces, or compromise with the political path of traditional forces."The emerging advanced party filled this vacuum, thus rising rapidly.

After the Thai election in 2023, the Qianjin Party, as the largest political parties in the House of Commons, chose to form an alliance with the Thai Party and strive to form a government.

However, the Police Party's policy on Thailand's "crime of offensive monarchy" is not tolerated by conservative forces, and it cannot obtain more than half of Congress support.


, the Thai party has a conservative and pro -military political parties who have the 141st House of Commons.

Is the governing alliance the same dream of different beds? How long can the Peitan regime be maintained?

The current Thai governing alliance is composed of different political parties. Is it uncomfortable with each other?

Bavavi believes that conservative forces may be clear that the Thai party is not a real royalist, or it may not fully trust each other.

Sure enough, the Secretary -General of the Thai Party Sorahon said on Tuesday (August 27) that the new coalition government will not include the Citizen Party supported by the military, which will be removed from the ruling alliance.

Earlier, many members of the Thai party members of the Thai party have expressed their dissatisfaction with the Citizenship Party leader and have participated in the Thai government's Bavavi who had not participated in Parliament's voting approval of the new Prime Minister Peitan.

How can Daxin forces exchanged and compromised political interests?The list of cabinets that the Peitan government is about to be released will become an important reference indicator.

The second female prime minister in Thailand has the ability to control the overall situation, will it be stepped down like his father and aunt, and it will also be the focus of everyone's attention.