(Washington Comprehensive News) John Podesta, a senior adviser to the US President's International Climate Policy, is expected to visit China next week to meet with Chinese climate change affairs Liu Zhenmin.This will be a continuation of a series of recent interactions between China and the United States.

Bloomberg News reported on Wednesday (August 28) quoted people familiar with the matter that Podista would meet with Liu Zhenmin on the first week of September.The meeting aims to consolidate the cooperation between energy transformation and response of greenhouse gas emissions between China and the United States, including the formulation of new commitments to emission reduction from 2035, and increasing funding for green transformation in poor countries.

China and the United States are the two major greenhouse gas emissions countries in the world.The White House has confirmed that the above talks are about to be held, but the spokesman refused to comment on the specific date.Chinese officials have not confirmed the news.

In January this year, he and Podde and Podd Podd.Star held his first meeting in Washington in May .

U.SAfter /a>, the White House stated in the news draft that the two sides emphasized the importance of taking specific measures to deal with the climate crisis, and they saw further discussion in the upcoming visit to China.

The 29th UN Climate Change Conference (COP29) will be held in Azerbaijan in November. The US presidential election held in the same month will also determine the climate policy of the US government's next government.

Unlike Democratic candidate Harris, a Democratic candidate that may continue to Bynden's government route, Republican candidate Trump announced the withdrawal from the Paris Agreement to the United Nations to respond to the global climate change in 2017.According to the outside world, if Trump returns to the White House, it will make China -US cooperation in the shadow of climate change.