Chinese official Thursday (August 29) met with the national security adviser to visit in Beijing in Beijing that the goal of China ’s dedication to the stable development of Sino -US relations has not changed, and he expressed his hope that the United States can look at each other's development.For opportunities, not challenges.

Shatin reiterated that US President Biden is committed to dealing with Sino -US relations to avoid competition evolution into conflict. Biden also looks forward to interacting with Chinese officials in the next few weeks.On the same day, Shalvin also met with Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission.

Zhu Feng, Executive Dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, analyzed the United Zaobao that Shatin's visit to China means that the high -end strategic dialogue pipeline of China and the United States was officially launched. Chinese officials and Zhang Youxia met with Shalin respectively, showing that Beijing attaches importance to the United States.Strategic dialogue, which "has very important positive significance to deepen understanding, prevent conflict and misjudgment.

Three days of visiting China for this visit to China, Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China on the first two days, conducted strategic communication, involving a wide and complex issue between China and the United States.On the last day, they met with Chinese officials and Zhang Youxia.

Xinhua News Agency reported that Chinese officials said in the meeting with Shalin that the two major powers of China and the United States dealt with. The first is to establish the correct strategic cognition. First of allTotal problem.

Chinese officials have stated that four "have not changed": China is committed to the goal of stable, healthy, and sustainable development in China and the United States; it has not changed according to the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation.It has not changed its position in maintaining its own sovereignty, security, and development interests; the efforts of continuing the traditional friendship between the Chinese and American people's traditional and American people have not changed.

He said that he hopes that the United States will look at China and China with a positive and rational attitude, and depending on the development of each other as an opportunity rather than a challenge. It is a correct way to get along with China to find China and the United States on the earth to live peacefully and develop together.

Chinese official also said that he is willing to continue to communicate with the President of the United States.

The Press release of the US White House said that in the official meeting of Sharvin and China, "the two parties welcomed the continuous efforts to maintain open communication channels", including the arrangements for Biden and China's official calls in the next few weeks.

Zhu Feng said that in addition to meeting Sino -US leaders' calls and multilateral occasions, Beijing still hopes that Biden can visit China before he stepped down.Especially in the United States, the presidential election will be held in November. U.S. politicians often take China as a sinful sheep for political capital. If Bayeng can visit China, it will not only show that Sino -US relations cannot be easily split, but also help alleviate the pressure of the United States to China.

According to Reuters, Shalin told the media after talking with China on Thursday that the discussion between China and the United States for 14 hours, involving Taiwan, South China Sea, Russia and Ukraine, and the United States demanding that China crack down on the manufacturing of Fentney to make fentanyls.Topics such as raw materials export.

Shalvin said that there are quite a lot of differences in some issues. For example, a new consensus cannot be reached in the South China Sea issue, and there are "fierce exchanges and interactions" in economic security and trade issues.

Bloomberg quoted Shalvin: "We have not reached an agreement in some aspects, but the conversation is very useful."

China and the United States have more consensus in the interaction between the two countries and the communication between the two armies and the leaders of the two armies, and Shalvin also rarely meets Zhang Youxia.

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor of Rajerannan International Relations College of Nanyang University of Science and Technology in Singapore, analyzed the newspaper that the vice chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission met with senior officials of the Guoan team, which also reflected that China really hopes to stabilize Sino -US relations through high -level interaction.

Li Mingjiang said that China and the United States know that the high -level dialogue does not help solve the differences. The main purpose is to prevent the relationship between the two countries from falling into confrontation.In the dimension, Sino -US relations are more inclined to cooperate.

James CHAR, a Chinese project researcher at the Rajelenan International Research Institute of Nanyang University of Science and Technology in Singapore.Structural contradictions in strategic competition.

According to the White House press release, Shalvin reiterated the importance of the conversation between the Chinese and American armies to Zhang Youxia and plans to hold a warred call meeting in the future in the near future.Shalvin also mentioned the importance of peace and stability on both sides of the strait, the United States' commitment to the free sailing of the South China Sea, and the concern of China to support the Russian defense industry.

According to the website of the Chinese Ministry of Defense, Zhang Youxia proposed three "stop", stopped the US -Taiwan military linked, stopped armed Taiwan, stopped spreading false narratives in Taiwan, and emphasized that Taiwan's issue is "the core of China's core interests", "China in China", "China in China", "China China", "China in China", "China in China", "China in China", "China in China", "China in China".The first artistic relationship in the United States ".

This is the first meeting with Zhang Youxia with a senior official in Biden, and it is also the US National Security Consultant to meet with the vice chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission after eight years.In 2016, Rice, then US National Security Consultant, met with Fan Changlong, then Vice Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission.