(Manila Road transparent) The Philippines is preparing to spend at least US $ 33 billion (about S $ 43 billion) to obtain a medium -range missile system and advanced fighter to strengthen territorial defense when the regional tension is intensified.

The Philippine Minister of Defense Torodo said at a budget hearing of Congress on Thursday (August 29) that the Ministry of Defense plans to purchase 40 multi -purpose fighters.

He said that in addition to the existing South Korean FA-50 fighters, the Philippines also needs a multi-purpose jet fighter with "faster speed and greater lethality".

The Philippine Ministry of Defense has begun to solicit offer, but Torodo has not specifically explained which models of the Ministry of Defense plans to purchase, and did not disclose potential bidders, nor did they propose the timetable for procurement plans.He only said that bidders must recommend a set of financing plans, of which payment can be repaid in installments.

After a few hours of the purchase of fighters, Blauna, commander of the Philippine Armed Forces, said at a press conference held by the Commander of the U.S. Indo -Pacific Commander Paparo, who said that the Philippine military hopes to get more.Multi -end weapons, including medium -range missile systems.

Paparro said that the security contact between the two countries is increasing to fight against the tougher China.He mentioned that Meifei is preparing for the largest joint military exercise for the previous year.

During the exercise period in April this year, the medium -range missile system was deployed in the northern Philippines, which angered China.China refers to the "war risk of war to this area" in the deployment of the Philippines.

Meifei was designed to test the capacity of transporting this 40 -ton missile system at the time, and did not fire missiles in the exercise.The missile system is still in the Philippines.