(Manila Composite) Filipino refers to China ’s Philippine aircraft to launch a shot in the South China Sea this week, and called on the Chinese government to stop all provocations and dangerous actions immediately.

The Philippine South China Sea Special Working Group issued a statement on Saturday (August 24) that the Philippine Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Bureau's planes on Thursday (22nd) coordinated with the Coast Guard for routine patrol flight to monitor and intercept invasionWhen the Philippine exclusive economic zone and the illegal fishingman of the territorial sea, China launched a light from Subi Reef to the Philippine patrol aircraft from Subi Reef.

Statement said that when Chinese fighters also launched a similar flying mission on Monday (19th) on Monday (19th).And dangerous movements.At that time, the distance between the Chinese fighter and the Philippine patrol aircraft was only about 15 meters, which was extremely dangerous.

Manila urged Beijing to stop all provocations and dangerous actions immediately, because this will threaten the safety of Philippine vessels and planes engaged in legal and normal activities in the Philippine territory and exclusive economic zones, and also threatened the freedom of navigation and flight.

The special working group said in a statement: "This behavior has undergone regional peace and security and further damage China's image in the international community. The Philippines will continue to exercise its rights unswervingly, in national sovereignty, territorial territories, airspace,In the exclusive economic zone and the awareness of the sea area. "