U.S. President Bynden reportedly approved a highly confident nuclear strategic plan to turn the United States' deterrence strategy to China for the first time.However, a White House spokesman said that the adjustment should not be targeted at any single country.

Scholars of interviewees believe that China's development nuclear arsenal needs to increase transparency, but China ’s increase in nuclear weapons also forced the United States to recognize China's nuclear retaliation capabilities.

The New York Times reported on Tuesday (August 20) that Bayeng's Nuclear Employment Guidance (Guidelines) approved the updated nuclear weapon usage in March this year to cope with the number of nuclear weapons and types that are close to the United States and Russia.And China, Russia and North Korea may coordinate the nuclear challenges.

This confidential document is updated every four years. There is no electronic version, and only a few national security officials and pentagram commanders have the right to obtain.

Although the White House spokesman emphasized on Tuesday that the guide is not aimed at any single entity, country or threat, but the two US high -level security officials who have obtained authorized speeches have confirmed the White House's concerns about China.

VIPIN NARANG, a nuclear strategic expert in MIT, who worked in the Pentagon Building, said earlier this month: "The President recently released the latest guidelines to deal with many opponents with nuclear weapons, especially considering the consideration of considering the considerationThe scale and diversity of China's nuclear arsenal increase significantly. "

Praanay Vaddi, the senior director of the National Security Council's military control and proliferation senior director, also mentioned in June this year, the guide emphasized "the necessity of deterring Russia, China and North Korea at the same time."

The China Military Report released by the Pentagon last year estimated that China's nuclear arsenal to 2030 will be expanded to 1,000 , toIn 2035, it will expand to 1,500, which is roughly equivalent to the current number of nuclear weapons deployed by the United States and Russia.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning responded on Wednesday that China has serious concerns about reports, saying that the United States has continuously stirred the "Chinese nuclear threat theory" to be designed to find the responsibility of the nuclear disarmament, expand the nuclear arsenal, and seek overwhelming strategic advantages to find the advantages of looking for an overwhelming strategy advantage.Excuse.

Mao Ning emphasized that China's nuclear arsenal and the United States are not at the same level at all. China pursues not to first use nuclear weapons policies and adheres to the nuclear strategy of self -defense defense.The country is engaged in arms competition.

The United States has also recently expressed concerns about the expansion of China's nuclear arsenal.At the U.S.-Japan Foreign Minister Defense Director at the end of July, the United States and Japan were concerned about China's " continuously expanding its nuclear arsenal "It also refers to China's intention lack of transparency. "Although there is public evidence, China refuses to recognize ".

Professor Wu Riqiang, a professor at the Department of International Relations of Tsinghua University, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the United States recognized and accepted the strategic stability and mutual fragility with Russia in the field of nuclear weapons, but has always refused to recognize the fragility of the Chinese nuclear weapons.The efforts to prevent the Chinese and American sides from preventing nuclear arms race are more complicated.

Wu Riqiang said: "The United States has never recognized the fragility with China, and refuses to accept the restrictions on its own anti -missile power, that is, does not recognize China's nuclear retaliation capabilities, so China increases nuclear weapons and forces the United States to recognize China nuclear nuclear nuclearRevengeability, this is also a normal reaction. "

The so -called mutual vulnerability refers to the harm that is vulnerable to each other's strategic nuclear forces.The strategic consideration of the United States is that once China's nuclear retaliation capabilities are recognized, the United States will not be able to have a direct military conflict with China.

Wu Riqiang also pointed out that China can be more generous in the transparency of the development of nuclear arsenal, but if it is said that China has become the focus of the United States deterrence strategy, it is early.

According to Reuters on Tuesday, the Military Control Association headquartered in the United States stated that it is understood that the US nuclear strategy is consistent with its description in the 2022 nuclear situation evaluation report, and the center of gravity has not shifted from Russia to China.

Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Military Control Association, analyzed that the nuclear strategy of the United States is a nuclear restriction on China and Russia.At some point in the future, the scale and composition of nuclear forces may be adjusted.