A group composed of the United States two parties calling on the Bayeng government to strengthen the review of the clinical trials of US pharmaceutical companies in China, on the grounds that there is the risk of intellectual property stolen and the possibility of forcing Uighurs to participate.

According to Reuters, the Republican Party's US House of Representatives China Issues Special Committee Chairman John Moolenaar and the Democratic Party member of the special committee, Raja Krishnamoorthi, said,Over the past 10 years, the American Pharmaceutical Corporation has conducted hundreds of clinical trials with hospitals operated by the Chinese military, including Xinjiang, where Uyghur lives.

The group stated in a letter written to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Monday (August 19) that, in view of the "suppression and medical discrimination of minority nations in the history of Xinjiang area in history,There are major ethical problems in Xinjiang to carry out clinical trials. "

The letter also mentioned that the cooperative research activities of American pharmaceutical companies and Chinese hospitals may lead to the transfer of key intellectual property rights to the PLA, or under the cover of China's national security law.

The Chinese Embassy in Washington stated that the allegations of intellectual property theft have no basis, and the allegations of Xinjiang race extinction are also "downright lies."The embassy pointed out that the cooperation between China and the United States in the medical field is essentially mutually beneficial, and this normal cooperation politics and instrumentalization do not meet the interests of anyone.

Reuters pointed out that Washington has increasingly paid attention to China's role in the biotechnology industry.

In April of this year, the US member called on the Bayeng government to list the seven Chinese biotechnology companies in the "blacklist" created by the Pentagon because they are worried that China may use biotechnology capabilities to strengthen its military power.In February of this year, American intelligence officials said that Chinese companies Yaoming Kant transferred American intellectual property to China without consent.