In response to the United States' condemnation of China's "dangerous actions" on the Philippine vessels in the South China Sea, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that the United States is not a party of the South China Sea, and has no right to intervene in disputes between the Philippines.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning said at a regular press conference on Tuesday (August 20) that she had invaded the Philippine maritime police boat on Monday (19th)Xianbin Reef (Philippines Sabina Reef) has clarified the strict position of the Chinese side near the sea.

She said that the Philippine infringement is first, and China takes rights protection measures in accordance with the law to safeguard their own territorial sovereignty and marine rights.

Mao Ning pointed out that the United States is not a party of the South China Sea, and has no right to intervene in the issue of sea -related problems between China and the Philippines, and it is not possible to use the United States and the Philippines to defense.The sovereignty and rights and interests of the sea also urged the United States to stop picking up confrontation in the South China Sea. Do not destroy regional stability and exacerbate the situation.

According to Reuters, the U.S. State Department issued a statement on Monday that the Chinese Maritime Police Ship "adopted a reckless action and intentionally collided with the two sea police ships in the Philippines, causing damage to the ship's structure and endangering the safety of crew staff safety"" ".

China and the Philippine Maritime Police Boats collided in a controversial sea area on Monday morning. The two parties accused each other accusing each other in response to the incident.This is the latest conflict that the two countries agreed to relieve tension last month and the outbreak of outbreaks after maritime differences.

The China Sea Police Station reported on Monday that two Philippine Maritime Police and Ship rushed to the Xianbin Reef of the Nansha Islands without the Chinese government's permission in the early morning of the same day.Strictly warned that the "Chinese Maritime Police Boat was unprofessional and dangerous, resulting in rubbing.

Manila rejected Beijing on the same day, saying that Chinese ships conducted "illegal and provocative actions" near the Sabina Reef."These dangerous movements have caused collisions, causing structural damage to the two ships of the Philippine Coast Guard."