(Jakada News) The Jakarta -Vanlon high -speed railway (Yawan high -speed railway) began to operate last October. Indonesian state -owned enterprises participating in the operation lost 3.53 trillion Indonesian shields (about S $ 293 million) in the first half of this year.

The Indonesian National Railway Corporation (KAI) is one of the joint ventures of the Indonesian consortium of the Indonesian high -speed rail project PILAR SINERGI Bumn Indonesia (PSBI).The Jakarta Post quoted the latest financial report released by the company a few days ago, saying that KAI suffered 1.81 trillion Indonesian shields due to participation in the Yawan high -speed rail project in the first half of this year.

PSBI consisting of KAI, State -owned Construction Company Wijaya Karya, Payment Highway Company Jasa Marga, and grower PTPN VIII, which are composed of 51.37 % of KAI.PSBI's losses in the first half of the year totaled 3.53 trillion Indonesian shields.

The Yawan high -speed rail named WHOOSH high -speed rail, which is jointly established by the PSBI and the China State -owned Enterprise Consortium, is responsible for the construction and operation.The Indian side has 60 % of KCIC.

Therefore, coupled with the losses of China, the actual losses of the Yawan high -speed rail in the first half of the year are even higher than the number released by Indonesia.

Although losing losses on the Yawan high -speed rail project, KAI still obtained 1.1 trillion Indonesian shield net profit in the first half of the year, an annual increase of 33 %.The company open source through other channels, including amplifying coal freight services and adding passenger luxury seats.

KAI also repaid 91.5 billion Indonesian shield interest from China National Development Bank in the first half of the year.The company had previously obtained the US dollar and RMB loan of the National Development Bank's equivalent of 7.28 trillion in the Indonesian Shield, which was used to make up for the cost of the Yawan high -speed rail project.The loan period is 45 years.

KAI has not immediately criticized the impact of the company's financial status on the operating situation of the Yawan high -speed rail.