(Yangon French Xindian) Mintanglai, the head of the Myanmar military government, said that considering the "people's security", the military recently withdrew some positions near the Border Border between China and Myanmar.

Monday (August 5th) said in a speech at the National Television Station on Monday (August 5): "Regarding the situation of the Sangbang, the retreat of the security forces considers the security of the current region and the people.The peace and stability of the entire country. "

Since the end of June, since the Myanmar National Democratic Allied Army (also known as the Katano Allied forces), the Eastern Myanmar has been in the battle since the restoration of the main trade highway to China.

A few days ago, the Burmese National Democratic Allied Army said that after several weeks of conflict, the Northeast Military Headquarters Headquarters has occupied the Laotong Laota.This is a major blow to the military government.

Military Government spokesman Zo Min swallowed on Monday that after the fierce battle, the military and senior officers of the headquarters lost contact.In a statement, he said: "The last time we got in touch with senior officers was at 6:30 pm on August 3 (8 pm Singapore time), and it is still in a state of loss.The molecules arrested some senior officers. "

According to the military government and local rescue organizations, dozens of civilians are killed or injured in recent battles.

Min Angle said on Monday that the rebellion organization was obtaining weapons from the source of the "foreign", including drones and short -range missiles, but he did not disclose the specific source.He said: "It is necessary to analyze the source of funds and technology they obtained."

Due to the tight situation in northern Myanmar, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar reminded Chinese personnel to report personal information to the embassies and consulates in Myanmar in time to strengthen safety prevention, and as soon as possible under the premise of avoiding safety risksTransfer, stay away from conflict zones or evacuate to ensure the safety of personal and property.