Yuan Haoran, deputy director of the Bicycle Fencing Sports Management Center of the State Sports General Administration of China, was accused of spoke on the Internet during the Paris Olympics to help the United States, causing netizens to attack.

According to the China Sports News report, the relevant person in charge of the State General Administration of Sport of China reported on Tuesday (August 6) that recently a questionInformation, officials have paid attention to the relevant situation and immediately started investigation.

The person in charge said that the network space is not a place outside the law. The State Sports Administration of Sports has resolutely implemented comprehensively and strictly governing the party's deployment, strictly managed the words and deeds of party members and cadres, and seriously investigated and dealt with violations of laws and disciplines and violations.

A Weibo account called "Mixed Swimming" posted on August 2, which analyzed the cause of the purple phenomenon of the American swimming team after the Olympic Games.According to the text, the so -called "purple" problem on the face is actually the result of the color adjustment processing of the Chinese broadcast service.

The post says that pink is the main landscape color of the Paris Olympic Games. Many atmosphere lights of the swimming pool are also pink, which may be shot by the pink lamp at the end of the end, causing the American swimmer's face to be purple.

The post also mentioned that the heartbeat of the exercise in the game is 180 times, and the body temperature reaches nearly 40 degrees Celsius. It is normal for the player to blush the skin when the skin is congested, but it should not be the kind of pink.

In response to why Chinese players do not have a purple face, the post says: "I can't see the live broadcast and it is not easy to explain, is it because of their (American player) skin white?"

This post caused dissatisfaction with Chinese netizens. "Hybrid swimming" was searched by human meat. Later, some netizens found that "mixed swimming" was Yuan Haoran's social media account.Many netizens questioned that Yuan Haoran's above remarks were favored by the United States and argued to the United States. Some netizens even claimed to have reported to the official.

Many netizens have dug up Yuan Haoran to publish "hate" remarks on Weibo many times in the past. For example, during the period of Yuan Haoran in Japan in 2016, he praised the calmness and self -confidence of the Japanese people, criticizing the Chinese"It is in stark contrast to the Japanese; and ridicule the launch of Shenzhou 9 and astronauts.

With the fermentation of public opinion, some netizens found that Yuan Haoran deleted all posts and close the account on Sunday (4th); during the query on Tuesday, it was found that Yuan Haoran's account showed that due to violations of relevant laws and regulations, he was in a prohibited state.Essence