Ren Hongbin, president of the China International Trade Promotion Commission, said that strengthening China and the United States to strengthen supply chain cooperation can inject more momentum into world economic growth.

According to China CCTV News, the Sino -US Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum hosted by the China Trade Council was held on Monday (July 29) in New York, and more than 300 representatives of Sino -US enterprises and business associations attended.

Ren Hongbin, president of the China Trade Promotion Council, pointed out that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States for 45 years, the economic and trade cooperation of cockpit stones between the two countries has deepened.Today, the economy of the two countries is highly complementary and the interests are deeply integrated. The strengthening of the combination of supply chain is conducive to maintaining the stability and smooth global supply chain, injecting more momentum into the economic growth of the two countries, regions, and even the world's economic growth.

According to the Chinese press release, Peter Tip Enski, president and CEO of the International Commission of Commerce, said that more than 300 reform measures for the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, of which innovation, energy transformation, transformation, and energy transformation, energy transformation, and energy transformation, energy transformation, and energy transformation, energy transformation, and energy transformation, and energy transformation, energy transformation, and energy transformation, and energy transformation, and energy transformation, energy transformation, and energy transformation, and energy transformation, and energy transformation, and energy transformation, energy transformation, and energy transformation, and energy transformation, energy transformation, and energy transformation, and energy transformation, energy transformation, and energy transformation.There are broad space for cooperation between Chinese and American cooperation in artificial intelligence, chips, and trade. It is hoped that it will further strengthen cooperation with the China Trade Promotional Commission to jointly promote the construction of a more secure and prosperous world.

Dickland Dali, CEO of the US International Industry and Commerce Council, said that Sino -US relations have brought huge benefits to companies between the two countries.The US International Industry and Commerce Council is willing to deepen cooperation with the China Council for the Promotion of Council and its branches to contribute to the construction of a more open and inclusive market.

A spokesperson for the China Trade Promotional Association, Wang Linjie, announced on Friday (26th) that Ren Hongbin visited the United States at the invitation of the US Chamber of Commerce and the US and China Trade Commission, but did not announce when the delegation went to the United States.

Wang Linjie introduced that this is the first Chinese business delegation to visit the United States after the Third Plenary Session of the Chinese Communist Party of China, and it is also a return visit to the American business community.

Raj Subramaniam, chairman of the board of directors of the National Committee of the United States and China Trade, led a group to visit China last week and met with Chinese foreign ministers Wang Yi.