The Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng said that China is in the period of optimizing the economic structure, and it is inevitable to encounter some "growing troubles", but after hard work, it can be overcome.

According to the official website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, Xie Feng accepted an exclusive interview with Tom Ocomnaon, a high -level foreign policy reporter Tom Okna, an American News Weekly.

Xie Feng said in a question about the challenges facing China's economy, saying that China is in a period of corruption of the development mode and optimizing the economic structure, and it is inevitable that some "growing troubles."He emphasized that these problems are issues in development and transformation, and after hard work, it can be overcome.

In response to how to solve these problems, Xie Feng said that the answer given by the Third Plenary Session was to promote high levels of openness and achieve high -quality development.China will continue to promote development with reforms, take power to reform, further liberate and develop productivity, and provide strong motivation for Chinese -style modernization.

He said that China will vigorously develop new quality productivity, promote the high -end, intelligent, and green industries of the "old" industry, cultivate "new" industries such as artificial intelligence, aerospace, biomedicine, etc., and promote the real economyIn -depth fusion with the digital economy.

He also mentioned that China has to grow in short -term and increase its strength in the long run.China has recently made overall arrangements for 300 billion yuan (RMB, S $ 55.6 billion) to over -long -term special Treasury funds to increase support for large -scale equipment renewal and consumer goods to change new.

In response to new changes in the supply and demand relationship of the real estate market, he said that China is accelerating the construction of a new model of real estate development, increasing the construction and supply of affordable housing, and fully giving the real estate market of various cities to regulate autonomy of real estate markets, build adaptation to construction adaptationThe people's new expectations of "good houses".

In response to the risk of local government debt, Xie Feng said that China will expand local tax sources, increase local independent financial resources, clarify the direction of consumption tax reform, appropriately expand local tax management authority, reasonably expand the scope of local government special bond support; on one side"Blocking the door", establish a full -caliber local debt monitoring and supervision system, and improve the government debt management system.