When the North Atlantic Covenant Organization was promoted to cooperate with the Asia -Pacific countries, China -Russia Foreign Minister stated that it was necessary to strengthen cooperation with Asians, resist the interference in the "external forces" to the Southeast Asian region, and maintain regional security and stability.

The scholars interviewed and judged that China and Russia's statements were mainly seeking to restrict the influence of the United States.

Wang Yi, a Chinese Foreign Minister who is attending the Asian Foreign Minister's Meeting at Vientiane Laos, held a bilateral meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Rafrov on Thursday (July 26) to discuss the cooperation between the two countries in Southeast Asia.According to a statement issued by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lavrov said after the meeting that the cooperation between the two countries is to cope with some countries. "Asia in the Asia -Pacific region of Asia -Pacific "in Asia Pacific."

According to the Russian Tasis, Lavrov emphasized when talking about the importance of Asia Danian as the center of multilateral cooperation platform: "We have a unified position and we must do everything to prevent it from being destroyed ... (We believe) together to resist togetherThe importance of the forces outside the region to Southeast Asian affairs and the importance of the well -being and prosperity of Southeast Asia.

Sino -Russian relations have become more closely in recent years.According to a statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Wang Yi said that China is willing to support Russia to safeguard their core interests, and "always becomes the same passers -by and good partners who have developed the revitalization of each other."

Wang Yi said that China is willing to jointly maintain the regional cooperation structure with the Russian side and openly and inclusive regional cooperation, promote the deepening of the existing East Asian mechanism, and promote regional peace and stability.

Prior to the bilateral meeting of the China -Russia Foreign Minister, Wang Yi and Lavrov and Laos Deputy Prime Minister and Laos and the longan Salaon held a three -party meeting.According to a statement from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the three parties expressed concern about the inferiority of the outside region in the Asia -Pacific region, willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation, promote the cooling problem of hotspots, maintain regional security and stability, and jointly oppose power politics and resist camp confrontation.

With the continued intensification of Sino -US competition, the United States has continuously implemented the "Indo -Pacific Strategy" in recent years to counter China.U.S. President Biden met with the Asia -Pacific leaders of Japan and South Korea at the NATO summit earlier this month, saying that they were "NATO Asia -Pacific partners". NATO also continued to deepen security cooperation with these countries, causing strong dissatisfaction and opposition in China.

He Zien, assistant professor of the Razalenan International Research Institute of Nanyang University of Science and Technology in Singapore, pointed out in the United Morning Post that Russia's security and influence are mainly concentrated in Europe and Central Asia, and its core concern is the expansion of NATO in Europe.Relatively speaking, "the expansion of NATO in the Asia -Pacific" is more of the Chinese government's attention.

Although there are significant differences in China and Russia in the focus area of ​​geopolitical politics, He Zien emphasized that the two countries seeks consistent strategic goals to curb the influence of the United States, and the field is divided into Ukraine issues in Europe and the South China Sea of ​​Asia Pacific.He Zien said: "China -Russia cooperation is because they don't like the existence of the United States in their respective regions"

Sino-Russian bomber recently a few days ago, as Joint operations near Alaska , He Zien believes that China and Russia may be similar in Asia in Asia.Small -scale operations pressure to the United States, but the scale of Sino -Russian security cooperation in Asia's Diandan is unlikely to expand, because this is not only compatible with Russia's core interests, but also has not been widely recognized by the Ayaan country.

Wang Hongren, a professor at the Department of Political Science at Taiwan Chenggong University, agrees in an interview that the Asianan country generally hopes to maintain its independence and does not want to be used or controlled by the great powers.

He said: "They (Yajia'an) allows large powers to participate in the meeting, but they can be rejected with external intervention. China and Russia can cooperate with Asia in the economic field, but the possibility of cooperation in the security field is less likely. Some countries and China and RussiaThe relationship may indeed be closer than Western countries, but when deciding major events, Asiansan, as a relatively united organization, is very difficult to be used. "

The three -day Asian Security Foreign Minister meeting will be closed on Saturday.In addition to meeting with Lavrov, Wang Yi also conducted bilateral talks with diplomatic executives in India, Japan, South Korea and other countries.He will meet with US Secretary of State Brillings on Saturday.