The typhoon in the Philippines, Taiwan and other places recently hit the typhoon in the Philippines, Taiwan and other placesMidea, on Thursday (July 25), landed in Xiuyu District, Putian City, Fujian Province, China.According to official report, Gime has caused more than 620,000 people in Fujian Province to suffer.

Comprehensive China News Agency and Xinhua News Agency reported that the Fujian Flood Control Office reported on Friday (26th) in the morning that as of 6 am on the same day, the typhoon beauty had caused 628,600 people in the seven districts and cities in Fujian.

Geimei landed on the coast of Xiuyu District, Putian City, Putian City, Putian City, Fujian.At 9 o'clock that night, Gimei had weakened from typhoon to a strong tropical storm.At 5 am the next day, Gemei Center is located in Yongtai County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. The maximum wind is 10 (28 meters per second), and the lowest air pressure in the center is 977 hundred Pache.

Gemei's positive attack brought obvious storm to Fujian.Statistics have accumulated rainfall in the past three days. A total of 49 counties (cities, districts) in Fujian have more than 100 mm in 384 towns and villages, 15 counties (cities, districts) of 72 towns and villages, and 9 counties (cities, districts) 12 townshipsMore than 400 mm.

At the same time, there are 88 towns in 28 counties (cities, districts) in Fujian at the same time.Tannanhai Township is the largest per second (level 14).

The Chinese meteorological department predicts that Gime will move north to west at a rate of about 20 kilometers per hour, and will move from Fujian to Jiangxi from the evening of Friday to night, and then continue to the north, and the intensity will gradually weaken.

In response to the future trend of Gimei and the area that may affect the region, Ouyang Yi, a weather weather analyst in China, told CCTV that Gime will pass through Fujian to enter Jiangxi.Move north.

Since Ge Mei still has a large amount of water vapor after landing, in the next two days, there will be heavy rains to heavy rain in Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Hunan, Anhui, Hubei and other places.Northeast and southeast of Zhejiang may encounter heavy rainstorms from Friday evening to Saturday.