Donald Trump (Trump) was hated by many people in the business community during the President of the United States, but as he returned to the White House, he gradually opened, and now he has found a new in the American science and technology industry.Supporters.

Elon Musk, the world's richest man, has become the most famous person to support this former president this month. He supports Trump and participates in his fundraising activities.

For a few weeks, the support of Trump's high -tech world has reached its peak.Influential venture capitalists and technological leaders, including former Democratic donor Alison Huynh, investor Marc Andreessen, Ben Horowitz, and cryptocurrency worldThe Winklevoss brothers all publicly expressed their support to support Trump.

The support of Trump from the previous technology community is not common, but the current situation marks a major change compared with a few years ago.After the Riot of the US Congress in 2021, the US company kept keeping a distance from Trump within a few weeks.

In fact, in the past, it was supported by Silicon Valley to support same -sex marriage, that is, the Republican proposal, which had left a company executive to lose his job.Therefore, the changes in the technology industry are particularly noticeable.

For example, at a cryptocurrency event at the Republican Congress held at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Wisconsin, the 27 -year -old Nicholas Longo (Fortuna Investors), a wealth management company, "Fortuna Investors") He said that when he voted to Trump four years ago, he felt a shame. "In 2020, I don't recommend publicizing it publicly." But now, the situation has changed.

The transformation of political wind direction has been obvious in social media.Among them, Musk and investor David Sacks are one of the people who often condemn President Bayeng.They decided to take out their wallets to the Trump campaign team, which is expected to greatly expand the influence of these technology giants, exceed their traditional circle and have significant consequences on elections.

In fact, the support from technology leaders really helped Trump shrink his gap in Biden's fundraising a few months ago.

"He was very backward at the end of April and struggled." The US "open Secrets" website data research director Sarah Bryner, which specializes in political funds, said: "In the last 8 weeks,", This campaign is completely different.

She explained that donations from the technology industry conveyed a strong signal, indicating that the political trend is changing.She also pointed out that signs of winning in the election usually help to promote potential donors no longer silent."Success brings success," she said.

The "Public Secret" website data shows that in recent elections, Democrats occupy a large share in the donation of venture capitalists, and Biden decided to withdraw from the campaign. It is expected to cause further observation of the outside world.

However, Trump's new friends still maintain a promise of donation.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Musk has promised to donate $ 45 million to the Trump campaign team every month, which will make him one of the biggest donors this year.

The billionaire denied this amount, but also acknowledged that he had participated in the fundraising of Trump's campaign."I believe in the United States that maximize personal freedom and talent. This was once the work of the Democratic Party, but now this pendulum has shifted to the Republican Party." After Bayeng withdrew from the election, Musk on the social media "X" he had on his own social media "X"Written.

Analysts said that support from key figures from the science and technology industry show that Trump is expanding his attractiveness: "He is persuading Republicans to be as bad as they say ... Now we see that we seeThis trend is expanding.

He said: "I don't think he will win the Santa Clara County (Silicon Valley), but he will have a better performance."

Trump's supporter Musk

Some leaders in the technology industry believe that they are worried about the Bynden government's crackdown on cryptocurrencies and their artificial intelligence (AI).For example, a recent administrative order of the White House requires the company to abide by the government's artificial intelligence security standards.

"The unfavorable government policy is now the biggest threat facing small technology companies," Anderson and Hollowz (their company invested in a start -up enterprise, and played an important role in the cryptocurrency and AI field) in a recent articleI wrote: "It's time to stand up now."

Musk's decision to support Trump was a surprise change.

Because he used to avoid political donations in the past.According to reports, he queued for 6 hours to shake hands with former President Obama, and until 2018 he still described himself as a gentle political position.In 2017, he was one of the earliest members of the White House Business Commission.At that time, he fined Trump because of climate change policy.His company Tesla produces electric vehicles, and Trump has continued to criticize these models expensive and unrealistic.

However, Musk has long been dissatisfied with the supervision of US financial regulators for a long time.His criticism of Biden was upgraded two years ago.Because he did not get an invitation to attend the White House Business Conference, this neglect caused him to tell the US television station CNBC that he felt unfair to "ignore".After that, Musk's debate on social media has participated in various issues such as the blockbuster blockade of the new crown epidemic, the Ukrainian war, the policy of China, and cross -gender.

In addition, Musk's space exploration company SpaceX obtains billions of dollars from the government every year, which may be one of the reasons he must also maintain the relationship with his government if he considers Trump.

Silicon Valley and their own interests

Democrats said that this transformation in the scientific and technological community was due to its own interests and pointed out that Biden proposed to levy new taxes on millions of rich people and unrealized capital benefits.

In addition, Biden also offended some people because he supported the organizational union and his government to trace technology companies in antitrust cases.

Mark Cuban, a businessman who supports the Democratic Party, hinted that these people tilted to Trump as a "Bitcoin game" -that is, the value of the betting of cryptocurrencies may be due to high inflation and political confusion.As for the push, the Democratic Party said it would lead to the leadership of the Trump administration.

swing right

Neil Malhotra, a professor at Stanford University Business School, studied the political views of these new technologies, saying that if we will "the most blunt people on Twitter" and the entire industry evenIts elite is wrong.He said that these people's views have always spanned the two parties.

Based on him and andA survey conducted by colleagues in 2017 found that as a group, technology leaders remained consistent with the Democratic Party on issues such as same -sex marriage, abortion, or even taxes.However, they turned to the Republican position and strongly opposed supervision.

He pointed out that since the investigation of their team, new social issues such as police, school education and transgender rights have become increasingly prominent. San Francisco has always been the key battlefield of these controversy, which has caused some strong opposition in the science and technology industry.

"People suspect that most people in the venture capital world are still the position of the middle left," said Professor Marhotra.However, he added: "The Republican Party will definitely launch another action."

Trump's transformation of the technology industry

Evan Swarztrauber, a think tank consultant, said that the leaders of the scientific and technological industry bet Trump will let go even more in cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence.

But this gambling is not without risks.

As a president, Trump has won praise from business through tax cuts, letting anti -labor officials take responsibility for labor rights, and generally getting rid of supervision.

But compared with the previous governments, he adopted a significant and more intervention attitude towards economy and technology, launched a trade war on China, hit Tiktok, and initiated some anti -monopoly lawsuits against technology companies.

From then on, Trump has been promoting the Republican Party in this direction to further advance in this direction, but at the same time, it has eased or reversed his position on issues such as TIKTOK ban and cryptocurrency.

Jennifer Huddleston, a senior researcher at the Cato Institute of Liberal Institute, said Trump may change his position on some technical issues and claim to be a oneThe owner of the community media platform.

Trump chosen Vice President JD Vance has also been engaged in venture capital, and received key support from PETER Thiel, former CEO of PayPal during the campaign in 2022.But Hedelston warned that in terms of governance, the interests of "large" and "small" technology will become difficult.

David Broockman, a professor of political science at the University of Berkeley in California, said that Trump has shaped himself as a gentle and more gentle and successful business community than other members of the party affiliated.

For example, after proudly boasting the "helmsman" of the ROE V Wade case of abortion, Trump also rejected the national ban that conservatives generally supported, saying that the ban should be the ban should be the ban.It is determined by the states by itself.

However, Professor Brookwin also analyzed that Trump's 2016 election was relatively mild, but once he took office, he adopted many extreme policies.

These actions harmed Trump's support and eventually weakened the connection between the Republican Party and Wall Street, while the latter was a place for Republican traditional gold aid.

"American technology and other business leaders hope that many of Trump's more strange policy proposals will not be implemented." Professor Brookwen emphasized. "But they may be implemented."

In addition to the field of technology, Trump also supports radical reforms such as illegal immigration deportation, significantly reduced government staff, and 10%tariffs on all imported goods.

However, Garrett Johnson, who founded the American Innovation Foundation and the current director of technology company supported by venture capital, emphasized that over time, more technology and commercial elites have accepted special specialties.Trump's point of view.

Johnson said, "For example, Trump has made China a threat to our United States a national topic. He is right, others have to keep up."

"So this is definitely part of the situation in the current situation. The atmosphere has changed. Is he right for all issues? No! But Trump is correct on many major issues." He emphasized.

Reports at the Republican National Congress were provided by Jude Sheerin.