Affected by the beauty of the Taiwan style, the Taiwan Ministry of Defense announced on Thursday (July 25) that it had ordered the three armies to end the Hanguang 40 exercise exercise at 12 noon.Forces at all levels immediately convert the tasks and assist local governments to prevent disaster prevention.This is also the second consecutive year of Hanguang exercise to disrupt the plan due to typhoons.

According to the United Daily report, Hanguang No. 40 exercise was launched on Monday (22nd). It was originally scheduled to conduct 5 days and 4 night real soldiers.The subjects have been canceled and adjusted.After Penghu and Matsu completed the real bomb shooting on Wednesday, the Ministry of Defense of Taiwan announced that the subsequent real soldiers drills were mainly deduced by sand tables and soldiers.

At present, the Typhoon Gome has been in Taiwan for more than 24 hours. The Ministry of Defense officially announced the end of the Hanguang exercise and converted into disaster relief tasks.This is the second consecutive year of the Hanguang exercise to disrupt the plan due to typhoons. In July last year, Hanguang No. 39 exercise was influenced by Typhoon Du Surui. It also canceled the subjects and other subjects of the Fengnian Airport fighter.

Gu Lixiong, the Minister of Defense of Taiwan, pointed out when presiding over the Ministry of Defense's Disaster Defense Control Meeting on Thursday that after the storms, local governments may apply for disaster relief force and assist in recovery.Investigation and confirmed the traffic conditions of the weather and region.

Gu Lixiong pointed out that the typhoon brought severe rainfall, the storm circles were still shrouded in Taiwan, and the storms in various places increased. In addition to the tide, all units should continue to strengthen the drainage and dredging of the camps and low -lying areas to prevent flooding and other floods.disaster.He also said that each combat zone and reserve headquarters received application for military strength and should be handled in accordance with relevant regulations, and replied to the Ministry of Defense's Stock Exchange Center.