Affected by the beauty of the Taiwan style, Mainland China did not send military planes to the airspace event around the Taiwan Strait on Wednesday (July 24). This is the first time that this year has not appeared in the Taiwan Strait.

According to the report of the Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan, from 6 am from 6 am to Thursday (25th) at 6 am, the Taiwan Army seized a total of three mainland warships to move around the Taiwan Strait, but it did not notify any military aircraft to appear on the Taiwan Strait.Surrounding airspace.

The Taiwan China Times reported that the reason why the mainland did not send military planes was likely to be affected by the beauty of typhoon.

Before the typhoon landed on Taiwan, the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense was detected from Tuesday to Wednesday to obtain 22 sub -military planes appeared in the Taiwan Strait airspace, of which 12 flew across the Taiwan Strait Middle Line into the Southwest Airspace in Taiwan, and there were nine other times.Warships and a business ship continued to move around the Taiwan Strait.

The typhoon is beautifully landed in Taiwan with a strong typhoon level. When landing, the largest wind near the center is 15 levels.

The Central Meteorological Department of the Ministry of Transport of Taiwan said on Thursday morning that the strength of the typhoon has been slightly weakened in the past three hours. It is estimated that it will have the opportunity to leave the storm in Taiwan on Thursday night to the late night, but the central and southern regions still need to pay attention to rainTop.