Hillary Clinton failed to win the eight years after the U.S. presidential election, the number of women who have received college education in the on -the -job population surpassed the male education for the first time.#I also revealed sexual harassment and overthrowing powerful men.The Supreme Court overturned the federal abortion right.

Any point, or all of these, will it have any impact on Vice President He Jinli?

After President Biden decided not to seek re -election, He Jinli seemed to be almost definitely a presidential candidate for the Democratic Party.Therefore, regardless of whether fairness or not, she has to face the question of whether she has the potential to win.Different from many other countries around the world, the United States has not yet chosen a woman to become their leaders.

He Jinli and former President Donald Trump's presidential campaign will be a rematch in a sense: Trump will have to campaigrate with a woman who has served as a government and serves as a Senate.Although Clinton won universal election with a great advantage, he was defeated by Trump in 2016.

But the situation this time is undoubtedly very different.He Jinli has neither Clinton's political heritage nor her burden.After four years of trouble, people have knew about Trump.Also, He Jinli is black and South Asian.

This country is not the same as eight years ago.

"Women are more angry now, which will give people more motivation," 64 -year -old independent voters Karen Clalli said that the retired nurse in the new Hampshire Kangkode will not vote to Trump.But she felt that she could not support Biden, but now she planned to support He Jinli.

The motivation mentioned by Clalli includes the overthrow of the "Luo Jie Wade" case, and some of Trump's words and behaviors that seem to be gender discrimination and hate in the opinion of many women.She said: "Now it is more likely to have a female president."

However, for female voters and activists who are eager to break through the "glass ceiling", they are worried that He Jinli will still be difficult to overcome gender discrimination.

"This is a patriarchal society," Clalli said."She is very smart, she is a prosecutor, but many old white men will want to stop her. Her only fault is that she is a woman."

Discussing the gender of politicians may make people feel a simplification and retrogression, especially considering that this problem does not seem to be so inconvenient in other countries.There have been three female prime ministers in the UK.Mexico chose the first female president this year.

However, when a woman runs for a public office in the United States, many voters still inadvertently mention her gender in an interview, thinking that this is a concern issue -they often say that they are not concerned about themselves.It is the majority of voters who care.

The 80 -year -old California Lahiroa Julia Black said she spent a lot of time with friends who read clubs to argue whether women can be elected president.Vocational women with doctoral and master's degrees one after another said they think the answer is negative.Black was indignant to them.

"I said, 'If women think that a woman cannot win and they repeat this idea year after year, then we will never have a female president,'" Black said that she supports Minnesota PrefectureSenator Amy Klobochar was donated to He Jinli during the Democratic Election of 2020."I don't think they give women sufficient recognition."

For many voters, the most important thing is undoubtedly the party's ownership, not gender."I won't vote for her," said the 74 -year -old Dallas Republican Naomi Wilarba. She supported Trump, but also believed that the Democratic Party chose He Jinli to be stronger than Bayeng.

According to the data of the Pew Center, Biden received 55%of female votes in 2020, and Hillary Clinton got 54%in 2016.Trump's support in women in 2020 reached 44%, a slightly improved from 39%in 2016.

He Jinli's possibility of being nominated by the Democratic Party made some voters who eager to choose female presidents.But at the same time, it also evoked terrible memories. After all, Trump lost to a man (Biden), but defeated a woman (Hillary Clinton).

Political Scientist Christina Volblacht, a Political Scientist who studies the law of female voting, said Hillary Clinton's campaign ended in failure, but it did change people's possible views on what.Klabcha and New York State Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Wallen are strong competitors in the 2020 election. In addition, there is also the former South Carolina Governor of South Carolina, who challenged Trump this year,Ki Lili.

"In my opinion, this indicates that in the world of Hillary Clinton, people are more and more able to accept the idea of ​​women as presidents," said Dr. Walblaichte.

According to a report from the Pew Research Center last year, 42%of women at least believe that it is a big event to see a female election in their election in their lifetime.In this poll, 39%of men and women interviewees believe that female presidents will be better at finding a discount plan, and 37%believe that women are better at maintaining a mutually respectful political environment.(More than half of the people say that these have nothing to do with the gender.)

There seems to be a special bond between He Jinli and black women. This group is a key component of the Democratic Party ticket warehouse, and has always showed her enthusiastic support for her.

The Director of Women's Political and Public Policy Center of the University of Massachusetts, Laulie Nishian Jefferson, said that many things have been different after 2016 for women.She said that after Trump came to power, concerns about his positions such as abortion have changed from a weak possibility to a true reality.

"When he was elected, we were disappointed, and we were very disturbed -parades, demonstrations, etc. appeared one after another -at the time we would have a bit of conceptual concept about what happened," said Dr. Nica Jefferson."And now we all know what has happened."

Trump has hinted that he believes that his generosity is worthy of specially come out: At the Republican National Conference last week, he played James Brown at the time of his appearance. This is a man's man's man.world.

However, Dr. Jefferson believes that He Jinli will also emphasize the fact that she is a woman."What kind of impact she talks about politics and policies on women," she said.

Some voters believe that gender discussions should be completely abandoned.

"We must not stare at those things of gender identity and focus on the people themselves and their abilities," said Marilyn McDotor, Ohio, Ohio, Wisconsin.Weekend's re -election rally in Stake in Weizhou."Because it is serious stigma and harm to women. That's too unfair."

He Jinli is "very rich", and McDorou also said.

However, many Democratic voters said that nominated women can help zoom in may be the most advantageous issue of the party: the acquisition of abortion services.

The 69-year-old former Florida Miami-Dade County member Katie Sauren said that he overthrew the Luo case "scare everyone's excitement.""It's not just an abortion. Many women are worried about what should I do if those who are pregnant?Get the need for medical care, "she said.

At Relly, North Carolina, 36 -year -old Mary Lucas said she had the motivation to participate in the campaign."My first reaction is,‘ How do I participate, ’” Lucas said.

And women pointed out that the change of society may affect He Jinli's campaign.Dr. Liz Blatter, a 64 -year -old retirement veterinarian and Chairman of the Democratic Party Committee of Selham Democratic Party in Selham City, Massachusetts, said that young people will not be so strictly defined as stereotypes of men and women when making judgments.

"My generation will say,‘ male or female, where do you draw hooks? ’I think the younger generation is more tolerant of different gender," Dr. Braart said."This will have an impact."

However, Dr. Braart, Dr. Blat, who had participated in Hillary Clinton's campaign in Hampshire, predicts that He Jinli will not go too well in the next way."She has a lot of things to overcome, and the scene will be ugly," she said."I'm worried about her, just like I was worried about Hillary."

Hillary Clinton won the most votes in 2016, but some voters still think she is annoying.Among them, Dr. Maria E. Lawrence, 73, was the Republican party of the retirement anesthetic of Corolgabers, Florida, but still squeezed his nose to Clinton.

"Woman lacks a good opinion of Hillary, because many people say that she chose to stand on the side of the president," Dr. Lawrence mentioned the extramarital affairs of the former President Bill Clinton."Hillary often looks a little arrogant, not attracting people, although she has made a lot of preparations."

In 2020, Dr. Lawrence changed to Biden to change his party.Now she tends to support He Jinli."For me, as long as you can stop Mr. Trump from being president again, let me do anything," she said.

Now more women are already veterans of political campaign work.

The 57 -year -old Louisa Wickerman is a flight attendant in the suburbs of Kabbu County, Georgia. She said that when she participated in a campaign to confront Trump in 2016, women like her are relatively politically in politics.Newcomer.Today, they have an informal network that most of them are led by female leaders. It has formed a long -lasting and durable election machine.

"I think I am the same as many people, and I feel full of vitality," she said.

She said that He Jinli's qualifications impressed her."This is not just because she is a woman," she said, "but thinking that she will create history, I am still very excited."