(Yangon Road Power Power) In June this year, in northern Myanmar's ethnic minority local armed organizations (referred to as civilians) and the Myanmar military government held peace talks on the China -Myanmar border, but at that time they were quietly preparing to start war at the Burmese army at the end of October at the end of October.Essence

The Myanmar National Democratic Allied Army (referred to as the Kokang Army) spokesman Juenan told Reuters: "When we talk to them, we are already preparing to act."

On November 12, the Kerbon's Knna National Defender searched a large number of weapons from the surrendered Burmese base.(Reuters)

The "Three Brothers Alliance Organizations" consisting of the Kokang Army, the Dang National People's Liberation Army and the Ruo Kaijun launched the "1027 Action" in the Puppet State in northern Myanmar on October 27.A town and four border ports.Myanmar observer believes that this is the most severe challenge faced since the Movement of the Burmese army in February 2021.

The Ministry of Martial Arts 611 attacks the Burmese base with a drone

In fact, the "three brothers" are likely to be prepared as early as 2022 when the 611 brigade was established.

Four civilians of civilians said that the two civilians of the "three brothers" and five other armed organizations formed 611 brigades in early 2022. The personnel include the support of the "national unity government" of the shadow government, as well asIf the Kai Army and the Burmese PLA soldiers had tens of thousands of soldiers.

According to a report by the Institute of Peace in the United States in November, this is unprecedented cooperation between Myanmar, different languages, different languages, and different traditional civil arts and organizations.

611 Brigade soldiers used drones.Konbertu, chairman of the Condani National Defending Army, said that they usually bombed the Burmese base with the drone first, and then the ground forces launched an attack.

On November 14, the air raid occurred by the capital of Kiebon, eastern Myanmar, and residents quickly fled to the safety place to take refuge.(Reuters)

The Leader of the Burmese government, Min Anglai, said in November that with the help of "foreign drone experts", armed organizations used drones to cast more than 25,000 bombs, forcing the Burmese army to abandon some military strongholds.The "Three Brothers" did not respond to whether it was helpful for foreign experts.

Zhu Jiangming, a security consultant of the Asian Development Bank, said that the closer coordination between civil and land martial arts means that the armed organization "rises around, and the military government does not have enough military forces to deal with them at the same time."

Since then, the anti -military government's actions have been rapidly expanded to other parts of Myanmar. In the middle of the province, and the state in the central province and the states bordering India and Bangladesh in Myanmar.

A spokesman for the National Unity Government said that Mandler is the gateway to the north. The task of the local people's country's defense army is to prevent the Burmese army from reinforcing the front line forces.Ding Tuna, the Minister of Finance of the National Unity of the National Unity, said that they raised funds through taxation, offering bonds and other methods to support more than 300 units of the people's national defense army.

Although the Burmese army faces frustration, Hoshi, a senior consultant of the think tank international crisis organization, reminded that the Burmese army, as one of the largest troops in Southeast Asia, has considerable resources and "determination to win at all costs."

On November 26, the people in the old streets of Laibang, Myanmar fled to the fence of the border between China and Myanmar.(Reuters)

The Burmese Army failed to eradicate the fraud gang to give the people's martial arts counterattack manufacturing opportunities

Two analysts said that because the Burmese government could not effectively eliminate the telecommunications fraud gangs in the country, Beijing was increasingly dissatisfied with the internal comparison, and launched a counterattack for the "three brothers" to create opportunities.

The telecommunications fraud center in northern Myanmar has sprung up in recent years. Many people in the region have been trapped in scam activities, and there are many Chinese citizens.According to the U.S. Institute of Peace, as of October, more than 20,000 people (mainly Chinese) were detained in more than 100 fraud centers in northern Myanmar, and many of them were trafficked.

A person who understands the situation revealed that the fraud center has become a major public safety challenge facing China.In September this year, Chinese officials issued an ultimatum to Myanmar in Beijing: to eliminate fraud centers, otherwise China will shoot.

The recent battle spreads these fraud centers, and many trapped foreigners have escaped in chaos, and many people escape from northern Burma through the Chinese border.

Analysts said that China has a certain influence on civilians, especially Chinese militia, but does not control them.The US Ambassador Marshall in Myanmar believes that these civilians do not launch 1027 operations as Beijing agents. "But China has not been troubled because they do this, at least in the early days of attacking the fraud center."

Zhu Jiangming said that China has a good relationship with the military and the civilians. If the two sides fight, "I have no choice but to help any party, but if someone harms China's core interests, I will help their opponents."Essence