(Manila Road Power) pointed out that the Filipino President President Markis pointed out that the Filipinos and China have "increased the increase in frictions in the South China Sea in recent months.Nevertheless, the Philippines strives to seek ways to solve the problem of the Philippine China Exploration of Energy in South China.

Saturday (December 16th) attended the Japanese media interview with the Japanese media during the Japan -Asia Jiajian Memorial Summit that "more confident China" now constitutes a "real challenge" to neighboring Asia.

He emphasized the need to form a strong alliance with like -minded allies, just like the trilateral cooperation between the Philippines, Japan and the United States.

According to a press release issued by the President's Office, Xiaomakus said: "We have to say that in the past few months or in recent years, the tension of the South China Sea has continued.Different countries communicate, including each participating country. "

The negotiations between the cooperation and exploration resources of the two countries are in the deadlock

Magaks said that the Philippines and China have resumed talks and exploration of oil and natural gas resources in South China.The Philippines starts a new energy exploration in the South China Sea to seek new energy to meet the power needs of the Philippines.However, he said that the talks between the two sides "made a little progress."

Patscars bluntly said: "We are still in a deadlock." He emphasized that the Philippines has the right to minimize the energy of the Western Philippines.The Philippines named its exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea as the West Philippine Sea.

The Philippines and China have been arguing about the sovereignty issues of the South China Sea natural resources in recent years. The two countries have repeatedly frustrated the efforts to find legal and feasible ways for energy exploration cooperation.

In June 2022, the then Philippine government stopped the negotiation, and Maccous resumed the talks after the stage came to power.

According to reporters of the Philippine daily inquiry, Magaks said on Sunday (17th) to speak at the summit, calling on Japan to help the Philippines to achieve carbon neutrality.

He said: "We call on Japan to support the Philippines to achieve carbon neutrality, which will benefit the communities that are vulnerable to climate disaster. While we promote biodiversity management, green technology, and circular economy, we also need to adopt the climateAction. "

Little Marcos appealed to the field of Foreign Investment Philippine Renewable Energy

Magaks said earlier that he would call on Japan and Australia and other countries during the commemorative summit to invest in the field of renewable energy in the Philippines.

Japan, Asia, and Australia will hold the first leader meeting of the first leader meeting of Asian Zero Emission Community (AZEC).

The Philippine Star report quoted the Philippine Ministry of Trade reported that the Philippines will sign at least five cooperation agreements during the commemorative summit.The Philippine Minister of Trade, Pasquel, said that this shows that Japanese companies seriously look at the Philippines to invest in the Philippines.

Pas Quar said that the Philippine government is inviting foreign investors to the Philippines to carry out business to create higher -quality and higher salary jobs.

One of the members of the Philippine delegation, the President of the Philippines Parliament, Romoiaders, said that Marcos will give priority to infrastructure construction, renewable energy and digital transformation.Consistent.