Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng said that the meeting between the heads of state between China and the United States at San Francisco is not the end, and emphasized that the emergency work must do a good job of follow -up work and strengthen the management of the whole process.

According to the official website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, the Chinese Embassy in the United States held the 52nd anniversary of the 52nd anniversary of the Sino -US "Ping Pong Diplomacy" on Wednesday (December 13).Xie Feng attended and delivered a speech. Fang Fang, Vice President of Peking University, Joeslan, director of the International Olympic Committee International Department, Bai Lijuan, vice president of the National Committee of the United States and China Relations, Charles Chairman of the American Table Tennis Association, and more than 300 guests from all walks of life in the United States.join.

Xie Feng said that Chinese President Xi Jinping held a historic meeting with the US President Bayeng a month ago in San Francisco to discuss the correct way to get along with China and the United States in the new period and open up the future "San Francisco Vision".

He said that the meeting has consolidated the stability of Sino -US relations, injecting rare certainty stability into the world of chaos, and is welcomed by the two countries and the international community.History will prove that it is not only a highlight of Sino -US relations this year, but also a milestone in the history of Sino -US relations, but also has a profound impact on world peace and development.

Xie Feng pointed out that the current Sino -US relations are at the new crossroads. "Time calls us to draw wisdom and strength from 'ping -pong diplomacy', so that Sino -US relations can stabilize and get better.Stable and sustainable development, let the people of the two countries be assured and the world is at ease. "

Xie Feng emphasized in his speech that the relationship between the two countries should be "melted again".It is hoped that the United States will establish a correct cognition with China. Starting from every bit, starting from today, it will practice mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, win -win cooperation, and successful narrative of successful stories of mutually beneficial cooperation.

At the same time, to promote the people of the two countries "re -contact".Xie Feng said that the coronal virus hindered the face -to -face communication, and the trade war and scientific and technological warfare could only lead to confrontation and conflict.Only by contacting dialogue can avoid misjudgment, gradually get out of the predicament, and re -accumulate mutual trust."We want to support the people of the two countries walking more, exchanging, and holding hands."

Xie Feng also said that it is necessary to promote Sino -US relations "to start again."He said that the San Francisco meeting was not the end, but a new starting point.When the priority is urgent, we must do a good job of follow -up work and strengthen the management of the whole process. In particular, the consensus of the heads of state of the two countries will be implemented to promote the stabilization and improvement of Sino -US relations, so that the "San Francisco Vision" is based on reality.

Xie Feng said that China has always been able to speak. It has adopted a series of pragmatic measures to promote Sino -US economic and trade cooperation and facilitate personnel to communicate, including approval of the access to all connectivity and approval of Mei Bolong's acquisition of prestige.Rui Company, cancel visa appointments and shorten the issuance time, reduce visa fees in stages, and greatly simplify the entry process."We look forward to the United States and the Chinese side, take action, do not fall behind, especially to prevent repeated, do not go further, take a half step, or even take two steps, do not set up new obstacles for the relationship between the two countries."

According to Bloomberg, Agence France -Presse, Reuters, Yellen on Thursday (December 14) in Washington to attend the 50th anniversary celebration of the National Committee of the United States and China Trade Council that she will be the second time as a finance minister next year.Visit China.

Yellen shows that the United States will continue to implement export control and investment restrictions on China, but she emphasizes that maintaining connection with China is important and help avoid a series of potential crises in the fields of diplomacy to finance.

She said that the United States does not seek to solve all differences and exempt all impacts. The goal of Washington is to make the two countries communicate more tough and more flexible, and prevent misunderstandings from being upgraded and harmful.