The Chinese Ministry of National Security uses 12 words with "dedication", "damage to others" and "ingenuity", describing the behavior of US sanctions on Chinese companies.

China National Security Ministry of Security on Thursday (October 19) issued a post on the WeChat public account "Ministry of National Security" that the US Department"Once again, 'long arms jurisdictions' sanction Chinese enterprises and individuals to safeguard their hegemonic rights, and its 'dedicated horizontal and 跋' '' of ingenuity and self -interest '' 'qi and seize' is exposed."

The article states that the United States' "specialty" is reflected in the use of its strong strength in politics, economy, technology, ideology and other fields.Applying pressure, packaging "Family Law Gang" into international rules and playing the role of "World Police".

The article pointed out that in order to maintain the status of overlords, the United States starts with allies. Many companies such as France, Britain, Germany, Japan and other countries have been reduced to their "long -arm jurisdictions" objects.The article takes the acquisition of French Alstong in 2013 as an example that the "long -arm jurisdiction" in the United States has been reduced to a tool for business competitors to interfere with normal international business transactions through national public power.Joined free market economy concepts ".

The article and take the US sanctions ZTE as an example, referring to the United States "ingeniously", using "long -arm jurisdiction" to take "small courtyard high walls" type of high -tech enterprises and take severe punishment measures.A huge ticket is issued.

The article states that in 2016, the US Department of Commerce included ZTE in the "physical list" on the grounds that the communication equipment was sold to Iran on the grounds of violating export control regulations to take restrictions on export measures.In 2017, ZTE reached a settlement with the US Department of Commerce and was forced to pay about $ 892 million (about S $ 1.226 billion) fines.In 2018, the United States declared a false statement in ZTE, and the ban again was launched. In the end, ZTE was forced to pay a total of 2.292 billion US dollars to the United States, which is equivalent to more than three years of net profit for more than three years under the normal operation of ZTE.

The article criticizes that the US sanctions have seriously affected the normal cooperation of Sino -US technology companies and exacerbated the security risks of the global supply chain, which is extremely short -sighted.The article also said that the "long -arm jurisdiction" violates the historical trend of peace, development, cooperation, and win -win. The ultimate bankruptcy of unilateral sanctions will be historically inevitable.

The US Department of Commerce announced on the one (16th) that 42 Chinese companies supporting the Russian military were included in the US government's export control list.These Chinese companies are accused of supporting Russia's military and defense industrial bases, including providing integrated circuits native to the United States.

The United States also expanded the scope of the ban on the renewal of the export control rules for China on Tuesday (17th) to expand the scope of the ban and restrict China ’s chip produced by Nvidia and other manufacturers.