Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi called on U.S. Secretary of State Brillin, calling on the United States to play a constructive role and promote Pakistani issues to return to political solution.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, on Saturday (October 14), should call with US Secretary of State Brillin.Brinken introduced the situation of visiting the Middle East and the US position on the current Pakistani conflict.

Wang Yi said that Pakistani conflicts are constantly upgrading and facing the risk of out of control.China opposes all the behaviors that harm civilians and condemn all practices that violate international law.China believes that maintaining its own safety cannot hurt innocent civilians.There is no way out of military means, and violence can only cause a vicious circle.

Wang Yi pointed out that the urgency is to stop fire and cool down as soon as possible to avoid exacerbating humanitarian disasters; abide by international humanitarian law, open up humanitarian rescue channels; support the United Nations to condense international consensus and the Security Council to play a role.

Wang Yi emphasized that the fundamental way out to solve the Palestinian issue lies in implementing the "two countries' plans", establishing an independent Palestinian State, and realizing peaceful coexistence of both Pakistani.Without the reconciliation of the two ethnic groups of Arab and Israel, there is no Middle East peace.China has called for international peace conferences as soon as possible to promote extensive consensus.

Wang Yi said that when dealing with hot issues in international regions, large powers should adhere to objective and fair, maintain calm restraint, and take the lead in compliance with international law.China will continue to advance persuasion and talk in accordance with the basic principles of the official Chinese chairman of China.The United States should effectively play a constructive role and promote the problem to return to the track of political solution as soon as possible.

According to the Chinese press release, Brinken said that the United States supports the use of the "two countries' solutions" to solve the problem of Palestine and Israel, support the United Nations to alleviate the situation and provide humanitarian rescue, and is willing to strengthen communication and coordination with China.

The two sides also exchanged their opinions briefly on Sino -US relations.

Wang Yi said that recently, China and the United States have successively carried out a series of high -level contacts. Bilateral relations have stopped falling and stabilized, and are welcomed by the peoples of the two countries and the international community.It is hoped that the United States will go with China to implement the consensus meeting of the heads of state of the two countries, overcome interference, eliminate obstacles, extend the front list, shorten the negative list, effectively respect the core interests and major concerns of China, promote Sino -US relations to return to stable development to stable developmenttrack.

Brinken said that the United States is willing to implement the important consensus reached by the US President Biden and the Chinese official Bali Island, responsible management to manage US -China relations, and promote the stability of US -China relations.