China and the United States have resumed dialogue and contact in recent months. Huang Xuncai, the deputy prime minister and Minister of Finance, hoped that these efforts would reduce misunderstandings between the two countries, achieve more mutual tolerance, and achieve more consensus.

Huang Xuncai said at a dialogue held at the US Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center on Friday (October 13) in the United States, and hopesTalk in person to reconstruct the strategic mutual trust required for the development of active bilateral relations.

He explained that positive bilateral relations means constructive contact in other areas while competing in some areas."The cooperation between the two countries can be beneficial and mutually beneficial, including at the bilateral level, and at the level of global problems such as climate change."

On the contrary, if there is no constructive contact, it will cause the relationship between China and the United States to deteriorate, which is a big problem for the world."Everyone's situation will become worse."

Huang Xuncai pointed out that both China and the United States have stated that they do not want to have confrontation. He also hopes that people can realize that there are no zero -harmony games between China and the United States, because the world is sufficient to allow China and the United States to live together and develop together.

The Singapore government considers Singapore's interests often take the principle of international law as the guidance

He emphasized that the perspective of Singapore's view of Sino -US relations is not a balance. The Singapore government considers the interests of the country. It is often guided by the principles of international law."As a small country, we need the framework of the rule of law to operate, so we will use it as the basis for deciding."

He said that Singapore sometimes makes a decision that seems to be biased towards one of them based on the specific situation, but this does not mean kissing or pro -beauty."It only means we kiss Singapore."

Some participants asked whether China was the most "offensive" party in the Indo -Pacific region.In this regard, Huang Xuncai said that China is at a "strong" stage, and it must be recognized in the world to occupy the due position, but at the same time, it also knows how to act with caution.

He believes that China must expand its influence without allowing other countries to feel stress or coercion, otherwise it will cause strong resistance to China, which does not meet China's national interests."China must learn how to control and adjust."

Huang Xuncai said that Singapore has room for friends with China and the United States at the same time, because Singapore and all countries in Southeast Asia have believed that the United States is a long -term good friend, and China is now a friend of Southeast Asian countries."We want to maintain friendship with them, it is possible to have one more good friend."