(Beijing News) The Chinese Ministry of National Security issued a document on Monday (September 4) that the "new two -hand" of the US Biden government's strategy to China is the new bottle to change the old wine.possible.

The Ministry of National Security of China published an article in the official WeChat public account. New bottle of old wine: The "new two hands" of the United States' strategy to China are actually "old two hands", pointing out that many officials in the United States have recently visited China, saying that the Bayeng government has no intention of curbing the Bayeng government unintentionally curbingChina's development is willing to maintain communication with China to promote the stable development of relations between the two countries.However, the United States also provides military financing against Taiwan, which continues to provoke incidents on issues involving Tibet, South China Sea, and publicly sing the Chinese economy.

The article says that these reflect the two -sided characteristics of the Biden government's strategy to China, namely "new two hands."In the past few decades, the "old two hands" of the United States' strategy to China have been "contact+curb", and the "new two hands" of the Bayeng government are "competition+control competition", especially in recent times, "new two hands"The characteristics are quite prominent.

Article analysis, "Competition" is the main part of the United States' strategy to China, including the decourse disconnection chain at the economic level, the political level, the siege of the security level, the discredit degradation of the public opinion level, and the rulesAt the level of constraint locks, it is expected that there is still more than that, and more and more killing methods have not yet been sacrificed.

"Management and Control Competition" is a managing management of "curbing pressure on China", including the "guardrails", "bottom board" and "parameters" that have been repeatedly mentioned since the Bayeng government came to power.Management competition. "

The article criticizes that the new two hands of the United States' strategy to China are just "new bottles of old wine". It is absolutely unparalleled that the United States wants to "win" China with new strategies.Fang is the right way.

Finally, the article emphasizes that the United States' obstruction and curbing targeted will only make China more brave and self -reliance.Essence