A person familiar with the matter revealed that the US State Department will appoint a senior professional diplomat as the highest official responsible for managing management of China. This diplomat is rich in tryingexperience.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday (August 29) that the current Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Mark Lambert, deputy assistant to the Pacific Affairs Office, was selected as the next Deputy Assistant State Secretary of State in responsible for Mainland China and Taiwan.At the same time, this adjustment was turbulent, and at the same time, the government's policies for Bayeng's government were strictly reviewed by Republicans.

Lambert will fill the position of the Rick Waters, which is a senior Chinese issue expert and announced his resignation in May this year.When Hua Ziqiang stepped down, he also served as the head of the newly established China Affairs Coordination Office of the State Council. The office's informal name was "China House".

A person familiar with the matter said that the U.S. State Department is still discussing whether Lanbert should hold the position of coordinator in the Chinese group before the Chinese group.

People familiar with the matter pointed out that the reason why the coordinator was put on hold is because it is unclear whether the position needs to be confirmed by the Senate.People familiar with the matter said that if such a political confirmation is needed, Daniel Kritenbrink, a assistant secretary of the Senate, is likely to hold this position.

Lambert is currently responsible for managing offices with Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific Islands. He has previously worked in China.A person familiar with Lambert said he was regarded as a reliable and experienced manager, and was loved and respected by colleagues including Kangda.

Reported that Lambert had participated in the 2001 China -US collision accident.On April 1, 2001, a reconnaissance aircraft in China and the U.S. military collided over the waters near Hainan Island, causing the crash of Chinese fighters and the death of a Chinese pilot.The accident caused Sino -US relations to fall into crisis.