Raymondo reiterated by US Business Minister who is visiting China reiterates reiterationThe United States will put national security issues first, but do not seek decoupling with China.

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that Raymond Duo said on Tuesday (August 29) when he met with Chinese Deputy Prime Minister He Lifeng in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing: "Although we will never protect national securityIn terms of compromise, but I want to show that we will never seek decoupling with the Chinese economy, or hinder the development of China's economic development. "

Raymond Doro also told He Lifeng that the US -China business relationship is the most global influence.One of the relationships is that the responsible management of bilateral relations is very important for both China and the United States and the entire world.

Raymond arrived in Beijing last Sunday (27th) to open a four -day visit.Raymond is the fourth American officials who visited China after US Secretary of State Brings, Jerlon, and Presidential Climate Climate, Climate.

Raymond has held a series of more than four hours of commercial issues with a series of commercial issues on Monday (28th) on Monday (28th), including more than two hours of talks and two hours of lunch talks.The two sides agreed to establish a new business problem group.

Raymond said that such a communication platform helps reduce China's misunderstanding of US national security policy, but "we will not compromise or negotiate about national security issues."

Earlier on Tuesday, Raymond Doro also met with the Minister of Culture and Tourism Hu Heping. The two sides agreed to hold the 14th Sino -US Tourism Leadership Summit in China in the first half of 2024.

Raymond Duo plans to visit Shanghai Disneyland on Wednesday (30th).