(Beijing Comprehensive News) A research report in the United States estimates that within two months after China's relaxation of epidemic prevention policies, the excess death figures caused by different reasons may reach 1.87 million people.

According to the definition of the World Health Organization, excess death refers to the difference between the total number of deaths estimated at specific locations and a certain period of time, and the difference between the expected deaths without crown disease and other crisis.

According to Reuters on Friday (August 25), the Furide Hardon Cancer Research Center, which has been funded by Federal Federation, has made the above -mentioned above for the sampling of the death data released by some universities in China and the information collected online.estimate.

Researchers conduct statistical analysis based on the published 讣 < The

Report estimates that from December 2022 to January 2023, in mainland China outside Tibet, the excess deaths caused by different reasons over 30 years old reached 1.87 million.

In the past three years, the Chinese government has greatly relaxed the epidemic prevention policy in December last three years, allowing the home isolation of patients with crown diseases, and canceling the inspection of nuclear acid negative proofs of migrants across regions.

Chinese officials have announced that from December 8, 2022 to January 12, 2023, a total of 59,938 cases of death in the hospital in the hospital crown disease were accumulated.The WHO's official website provided the number of Chinese crown disease from January 2020 to August 16 this year, 121,628 cases.

As the outside world has begun to learn about the increase in China's hospitalization and death toll, and people pay attention to the threat of the new variant virus, the world health experts have repeatedly called on China to disclose more data.

The National CDC announced last Saturday (August 19) that the monitoring results showed that the proportion of EG.5 mutant plants in the epidemic plants of coronary viruses showed an upward trend and has formed an advantage in most provinces in China.It is likely to continue to maintain this trend in the future.

However, the National CDC also guarantees that the local crown disease epidemic is generally at a low level and wave -type epidemic. The epidemic has less pressure on the medical systems of various places, and there will be no large -scale epidemic in the short term.