The Wall Street Journal quotes Saudi Arabia informed officials that Saudi Arabia is considering China's construction bidding for its nuclear power plant projects.The purpose is to put pressure on the US government to force them to concessions on the conditions of helping Saudi Arabia to develop nuclear -energy projects in the United States.

The Wall Street Journal reported last Friday (August 25) that the United States has stated that the premise of assistance to Saudi Arabia ’s nuclear projects is that Saudi Arabia agrees not to conduct uranium concentration or mining uranium ore in the country.China does not seek these anti -diffusion conditions for Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia has asked the United States to help it develop a civil nuclear project, which is part of a potential agreement.The agreement will involve the normalization of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel.At present, Riyadh does not recognize Israel.In such protocols, Saudi Arabia will also ask the United States to provide security guarantee.

Some officials and members of the Israeli and Washington are worried about the goal of the development of nuclear energy projects in Saudi Arabia, which may pave the way for the development of nuclear weapons for Riyadh.

The above -mentioned Saudi officials revealed that China State -owned Enterprise China Nuclear Group has bid to build a nuclear power plant in eastern Saudi provinces, located near the border between Saudi Arabia and Qatar and the UAE.

Saudi officials acknowledge that discussing with China is a way to promote the US government to compromise in the requirements of preventing diffusion.

Saudi officials said they tend to hire Korean electricity to build a reactor for the nuclear power plant and absorb American operating expertise, but they are unwilling to accept the anti -diffusion requirements proposed by Washington.

Saudi officials said that if negotiations with the United States eventually failed, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed was ready to cooperate with China Nuclear Group.

The Wall Street Journal quoted Justin Dargin, a very resident researcher in the Middle East energy issue specifically studying the Middle East energy issue, saying that China is likely not to put forward the same anti -proliferation requirements, which will become a right.Saudi Arabia's more favorable partner.

For Saudi Arabia, which once stood firmly in the American camp, continuing to promote the bidding of Chinese side will marked that the country has shifted to China again in geopolitics.

Building a reactor for other countries is essentially geopolitical, because it will closely linked the countries with high long -term contracts.Sun Qin, the former chairman of China Nuclear Group, compared such transactions to a century -old marriage, from the initial discussion to the signing agreement, and to the construction, maintenance and retirement of nuclear power stations.

China is the largest oil buyer and the largest trading partner in Saudi Arabia. Beijing has contributed to the normalization of Saudi and Iran's relations this year.

The Wall Street Journal reported that China helped Liad to build its own ballistic missile and help Saudi Arabia build a facility to extract uranium cakes from uranium ore -this is the first step for concentrated uranium.The Saudi government stated that it is cooperating with China to explorate uranium, but the information disclosed by the Wall Street Journal has aroused concerns from the United States and its allies. They believe that the Lyad still retains the option to develop nuclear weapons.

Philip Chaffee, Energy Intelligence, Energy Intelligence, said that even if China has little hope of winning the project, if Saudi Arabia wants to "urge Washington decision makers" to facilitate transactions with IsraelWith bargaining, Saudi Arabia may still use China Nuclear Group as an option.

But Saudi officials said that Saudi Arabia is also the largest buyer of American weapons and hopes to continue to be under the security umbrella of the United States.Reaching a broad agreement on Misha's relationship will consolidate Muhammad's position in geopolitics.

It is reported that U.S. officials have rarely expressed their concerns about Saudi Arabia's contact with China, but they have restricted Riyadh's military cooperation with China.